Teen Choice
Come explore video games, computers, art and science materials, board games or air hockey…it’s your choice! Youth will have free choice to participate in all the activities offered throughout the space while having fun with their peers, building friendships, social skills, confidence and more.
Dates: January 16, February 20 & March 20
Time: 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Location: MFRC Youth Centre
Register: online, in-person or call 780-973-4011 ext. 528-6300 Drop ins are also welcome, however registration is preferred
Open to: youth from CAF, Veteran, Defence Community families and Families of the Fallen
Teen Choice Movie Nights
Come explore video games, computers, art and science materials, board games, air hockey or watch a movie…it’s your choice! Youth will have free choice to participate in all the activities offered throughout the space while having fun with their peers, building friendships, social skills, confidence and more.
Date: Fridays, December 20, January 31, February 28 & March 28
Time: 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Location: MFRC Youth Centre
Register: online, in-person or call 780-973-4011 ext. 528-6300 Drop ins are also welcome, however registration is preferred
Open to: youth from CAF, Veteran, Defence Community families and Families of the Fallen
*Registration is currently ongoing. Once the youth has been registered, they will remain on the list every month until requested to be removed.