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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Please check the schedule daily as on any given day your child will have on ice skill, dry land training, out of arena sport, swimming, or be moving around 19 Wing Comox. (i.e. swim wear, shorts and rain gear)
  • 19 Wing Comox follows federally regulated COVID policy. Please ensure your child is equipped with a few masks for the week as masks are still recommended but not mandatory.
  • Lunches, snacks, and water bottles are a must.
  • The canteen will be operating this season (2025) see our Registration page for more details.
  • Ensure ALL Equipment is marked with your child's name for identification.
  • If something is misplaced check the lost and found at the front of the arena.
  • It is recommended that valuables be left at home – I-pods – Game boys - Cell phones
  • Put your child's first name on the front and back of their hockey helmets, on a piece of tape, so the Coaches can read it.
  • It is very important that your child’s equipment is DRIED every night when they bring it home.
  • It is important to check your child’s feet every night for blisters and red marks/sore spots. You can apply a product called Second Skin to these areas to protect them during the day time.
  • Please ensure your child's skates have been sharpened.
  • An evaluation of your child's skating ability will be made on the first day of the camp to ensure they are in the right group. They may be moved to another group to ensure they get the most out of our camp.
  • Please ensure that YOU explain to your child, that any form of BULLYING will not be tolerated at our camp and that they understand. If they feel this is happening to them, or witness it, they are to tell any member of the Camp Staff immediately and we will take corrective action. If your child is unable to follow camp rules you will be advised and if that does not rectify the situation, you will be contacted to come and remove your child from the camp.
  • The parents of those players who require assistance tying their skates, Please ensure this is done for the first ice time of every day.
  • Parents are more than welcome to assist in the dressing rooms at any time.
  • Please invite friends and family to come and watch the classic white jerseys against black jerseys game Saturday morning. The children love having fans in the stands for the games.

If you have any concerns, please contact: Silver Totems Sports Camp Coordinator