18th-23rd August 2025
The 19 Wing Silver Totems Old Timers Hockey Club will be holding their Annual Sports Camp at the Glacier Gardens Arena from the 18th to 23rd of August 2025.
Registration will open 1 May 2025 (General Registration opens 8 May 2025). The Camp is organized into three on ice sessions per day with a focus on power skating, hockey fundamentals, skills development, and team play. Dry land training sessions occur daily. When not busy at the rink, children will participate in tours of 19 Wing and associated squadrons. We make use of several other facilities at the Wing including the pool, sports field, running track, ball fields and the gym during inclement weather.
Our volunteers and children receive support from PSP and the Fitness, Sports & Recreation Staff. The students are supervised for the entire day, including all breaks, permitting parents to forego a lunch hour visit. On Saturday, inter-squad games are played and parents and parents/fans are invited to cheer their youngster on.
The Silver Totem Sports Camp has developed a reputation with players and parents for being one of the best camps of the year. Many children return year after year and the camp sells out quickly. If you are interested in registering your child, (boys aged 7-13 and girls aged 7-14) please revisit this website (quick link: www.silvertotems.ca) to access the online camp registrations which open 1 May 2025. If you have any questions or concerns please contact our 2025 Sports Camp Registrar, Harley Simpson, at 236-255-1702 or by e-mail at [email protected].
Rates are as follows:
Military Families (Regular/Reserves/Veterans) | $300 (taxes not included) |
Civilians | $375 (taxes not included) |
Please note: if you have more than one child registered you will receive a $50 discount per child.