Backcountry Hunters & Anglers Club
Who are we?
19WBHA is a club that provides a community for those interested in outdoor pursuits and meeting for social events with like-minded people. Our aim is to be a point of contact to help people get involved but have know idea where to start, or those that are new to the area and wanting to learn the rules and regulations, as well as getting the 19 Wing community involved in conservation.
We provide intro classes to learn about fishing, hunting, and shellfish harvesting.
Backcountry Hunters & Anglers (BHA) seeks to ensure North America's outdoor heritage of hunting and fishing in a natural setting, through education and work on behalf of wild public lands, waters, and wildlife.
Learn more about BC Backcountry Hunters and Anglers (Parent organization)
Membership in 19WBHA shall be open to all Defense team members of 19 Wing Comox, as well as Veterans of the CAF.
a. Regular $35 : Active Canadian Forces Members and Veterans
b. Associate $40: All other participants, including any person who has been invited to join and has been approved by the Executive.
To join: Club membership requires being a current paid member of BHA, discounted rates are set out by the parent organization. Register HERE and provide proof of membership purchase (copy of confirmation email ) to the Club President.
Upcoming Events
Intro to Shellfish Harvesting Friday, 21 March 2025
19W Back country Hunters and Anglers, will meet at the Airforce beach Pavilion to offer education and hands on instruction on collecting local shellfish. Saltwater sport fishing license required.
Club membership not required but recommended.
More information /Registration: Sgt. Dylan Unrau [email protected]
Saltwater Shore Casting TBD
Intro to Fly Fishing TBD
Fly Tying Work Shop TBD