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Comox Traditional Karate Club

The 19 Wing Karate Club has been serving the military community since 1997.  

The Comox Traditional Karate Club teaches classical Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate-Do.  This 'hard and soft' style of karate stresses the spiritual and self defence aspects of martial arts as opposed to the sport styles.

The emphasis of this karate dojo is on personal development,  learning self-defense techniques and situational awareness. Besides the physical aspects, karate is known for its positive effects developing concentration, determination and self-confidence.  The Club also instructs traditional Okinawan weapon forms (Bo, Sai and Tonfa), however students must wait until after their first grading to begin this instruction.

As this is a physical activity all members are required to sign a waiver and provide health information of the participant with contact information. This information is kept on file and is not shared with any other organizations. All instructors have completed a criminal background check and have participated in the High Five course.

The Club is located in the 19 Wing Recreation Centre in Multi-purpose room B and C.  Through the Rec Centre and NPF organization and for insurance reasons prospective students are permitted to attend only two free classes (one week) to determine if this style of martial art is what they are looking for.  Please wear loose clothing or a gi (karate uniform) if you have one.


  • Regular category single member $80.00/yr        Ordinary category single member $90.00/yr
  • Regular category junior member $60.00/yr         Ordinary category junior member $75.00/yr
  • Regular category family rate $120.00/yr                  Ordinary category family rate $150.00/yr
  • Associate category membership $100.00/yr