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Requests for Centre Presentations to various units on Base can be made by contacting Maude Jean Workman, Family Navigator, by calling 705-424-1200 ext. 1304/3994 or sending an email to [email protected]

Community Feedback

Our Centre is always open to comments and suggestions to help create exceptional programs and services that meet the needs of the community. Give us your feedback by emailing [email protected].

Borden Family Resource Centre

56 Gibraltar Road, Bldgs. E-123
PO Box 1000 Station Main 
CFB Borden, Ontario, L0M 1C0         
705-424-1200 ext. 3994
Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm


Child Care Program

56 Gibraltar Road, Bldg. E-123 
CFB Borden, Ontario, L0M 1C0 
705-424-1200 ext. 2302/3994 
Monday to Friday 7:00 am to 5:00 pm