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Recreation center

71 Ottawa St
Alouette, Qc G0V 1A0

Located near the base's main entrance, the recreation center offers a wide range of top-quality facilities and equipment, enabling members of our community to enjoy a wide range of sports and leisure activities.
Admission is free for military personnel and PSP members in good standing. Non-members must pay the applicable admission fees.

Base map

Facilities coordinator: Martin Boulianne, Ext. 661-7521

Information & comments:
[email protected]


Access to parent/infant training facilities (0-18 months)

  • Access to parents who arrive with a baby aged 0-18 months is authorized from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. (exept Tuesdays from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.) in multifunction room #1 (room B.002).

  • The form must be completed and brought to the recreation center for use of the room: WAIVER_Access to Facilities with Infant

  • For more information, send an email to [email protected].

Children from 18 months to 16 years

  • Children aged 18 months and over are only allowed in the multifunction room 1 and the gymnasium from 4 p.m. Monday to Thursday and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., accompanied by a parent at all times. 

    Access to the F.I.T. room (B014.1) is forbidden to under 16s. 

    Children aged 12 to 15 who have successfully completed the Introduction to Training course may train unsupervised. 

    All children aged 12 to 15 must be accompanied by an adult aged 18 or over. 

    Children aged 18 months and over, and under 12 years, are not permitted to use the weight-training or cardiovascular equipment.

Facilities use and reservations:

Opening hours and services are subject to change indefinitely.
We ask for the cooperation and flexibility of all users.

Priority is given to the military for the distribution of trays during operational hours and for the military sports program.

List of sport & recreational facilities

Gymnasium: floor 1 et 2
Community center gymnasium
Climbing wall
Cardio room
Weight room
Combat room
F.I.T room
Squash court
Multifunction room
Dry sauna (mixt)
Meeting room (Salle polyvalente)
Arena (Ice rink unavailable)
Tennis court
Volleyball court
Training area
Health trails (2)
Soccer field
Slo-Pitch fields (2)
Outdoor skating rink
Outdoor training modules
Water games
Children's play modules
Dog park
Greenhouse and community gardens

Loan of sports equipment

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 418-677-4000, 6617498

registration for sports and recreational activities for civilians

 All civilians taking part in sports or recreational activities, or using training facilities, must complete the Risk Awareness Form. 

Civilian form

Facilities schedule

  • Pool

    Military swim

    Tuesday and Thursday: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

    Open swim

    Saturday: 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. & 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m.

    email: [email protected]
    SRP front desk: 418-677-4000, ext.661-7980
    Rec manager: Ext. 661-7581

  • Recreation Center

    Training facilities

    Monday to Thursday: 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
    Friday: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. 
    Saturday: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

    Access for military spouses / immediate families: 8:30am-11:30am and 1pm-8pm weekdays.


    SRP desk - Ext 661-7980

    Monday to Thursday: 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.
    Friday: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
    Saturday: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

    [email protected]
  • Play room - community center

    Monday to Thursday: 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.


    The play room does not replace a daycare service. Arrivals & departures are autonomous and there is no attendance list.

    Tel: 418-677-4000 ext. 661-7871

  • Sports store

    Opening hours

    Monday to Friday: 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.

    Tel: 418-677-4000 ext. 661-7498

    [email protected]

Facilities regulations

  • General
    To ensure the integrity of the activities hosted by the recreation center, here is a list of activities that are not permitted to civilian and military users:
    • Soliciting a recreation center user to offer products or services of any kind.
    • Use an external trainer for any training using PSP indoor or outdoor facilities.
    • Distribute pamphlets, brochures or any other information or advertising material at the recreation center without the written authorization of the Fitness and Sports Manager.
    • Combat training, hand-to-hand combat, which involves blows, knockdowns or self-defense holds on an individual are not authorized without approval from the CPS manager or as part of a sport authorized by the program sports.
    Aggressive or hateful behaviour towards another user or PSP employee will not be tolerated.

    Animals are prohibited. Please refer to the adaptation policy to allow the presence of an assistance dog at the recreation center.

    No user may be present on the premises if under the influence of drugs, including cannabis and its derivatives, alcohol or other similar substances. The use, sale, possession or distribution of these substances is prohibited.

    It is forbidden to consume food in indoor sports facilities (training rooms) or to have a beverage in a glass container; opt for a plastic container instead.

    Dress code

    Dress must be appropriate for the activity.
    • On training platforms: sportswear (short-sleeved shirts, shorts, shorts covering mid-thigh).
    • Tracksuits and camisoles must not open below the armpits and must cover the body to the waist.
    • The neck opening must be no lower than the center of the sternum and at the beginning of the shoulder blades at the back.
    • Shoes with non-marking soles must be worn at the recreation center. Cross-country spikes are forbidden inside the center.
    • Sandals, Crocs or any other footwear that does not cover the feet is forbidden.
    • Swimming pool: swimsuits are mandatory. Shorts worn with underwear are not permitted, with the exception of short-sleeved shirts on presentation of a medical ticket.
    • Sauna: towels are mandatory. It is forbidden to splash water or any other liquid on the heat system in the sauna.

    Changing rooms

    Temporary lockers are available for users (padlocks not included).
    Permanent lockers for military users are available. For reservations, contact the sports store, ext. 7498.

    Users must not change on the indoor or outdoor sports fields. Lockers are provided for this purpose. Boots, coats, backpacks and any other items not required for sporting activities are prohibited on the various sports fields and in the training rooms, and must be kept in the locker room.

    Valuables must be kept in a safe place and must not be left in the care of recreation center employees. Under no circumstances can PSP be held responsible for lost or stolen items.

    Lockers must be emptied and padlocks removed each evening before the recreation center closes. Any padlock left on the lock will be cut off by the receptionist, in the presence of a witness, and the locker will be emptied of its contents, which will be placed in a sealed bag and stored in the sports store. The attendant and the witness must complete and sign the cut-lock register, located at the front desk.

    Safety equipment
    • Squash
      • Safety glasses are mandatory. If you wear glasses, you can borrow protective eyewear suitable for glasses from the sports store.
    • Badminton
      • Protective eyewear is strongly recommended if there are more than 2 players on the court. If you wear glasses, you can borrow protective eyewear for glasses from the sports store.

    Scent-Free Policy for the Workplace (CCOHS)

    We ask users to limit the use of perfume, hairspray, lotion or any other scented products. The same applies to malodorous body odors. We reserve the right to notify you of any complaints. Since we share the air, we must show good judgment and courtesy.

    For reasons of hygiene, we strongly encourage the use of towels in the weight room and cardiovascular room. The use of paper or towels to wipe down equipment after use is mandatory.

    If you are in any doubt about your state of health, we recommend that you see a doctor before taking part in any strenuous physical activity or sport.


    • 16 years and over or accompanied by an adult 18 years and over.
    • Protective mats must be installed under the climbing wall at all time

    A. DOA 2-31, Politique sur les règlements du centre récréatif
    B. DOAD 5019-0, Manquement à la conduite et au rendement
    C. DOAD 5012-0, Prévention et résolution du harcèlement
    D. A-PM-007-0003FP-001, Instructions sur la prévention et la résolution du harcèlement
    E. CANFORGEN 090/20 CMP 045/20 102330Z JUL 20, Ordres administratifs et instructions des FAC sur la conduite haineuse
    F. DOAD 2005-1, Accès des chiens d’assistance aux établissements de la défense
    G. DOA 2-52, Usage du cannabis
  • age allowed in facilities

    Children from 18 months to 16 years old

    • In indoor and outdoor sports facilities, children aged 16 and under must be accompanied by a guardian (16 and over) or parent at all times. 

      Children aged 18 months and over, and under 12 years of age, are not permitted in the training rooms.

      All children aged 12 to 15 must be accompanied by an adult aged 18 or over.

      Children aged 12 to 15 who have successfully completed the Introduction to Training course may train unsupervised.

      Access to the F.I.T. room (B014.1) is forbidden to under-16s.

  • Recreation Center regulations

    Users of the CFB Bagotville training rooms must:

    • Own and show the SRP (Sports & Recreation plan) card;

    • Follow the dress code below:

      • Dress must be appropriate for the activity:

        1. Sports pants or short (covering up to mid-thigh);

        2. Training shirt or tank top: covering the abdomen, pectoral, dorsal and lower back (no bare torso);

        3. Wear full covering sports shoes;

    • Use a towel and clean the equipment after use;

    • Use the changing rooms or a locker to store your personal belongings;

    • Completely unload weight machines after use and put them back in the right places;

    • Wear the appropriate security equipment (See displayed pictograms);

    • Respect the age required:

      • Training rooms access: 16 years old and over;

        1. 12-15 years old: accompanied by an adult;

      • For young people between 12 and 15 years old who want to train alone:

        1. have taken “Training at the gym, an intro” course;

        2. Info: [email protected].

    It is prohibited to:

    • Move equipment from one room to another;

    • Drop the weights on the floor;

    • Use magnesia powder;

    • Eat en the rooms; drink from glass containers.

  • Indoor pool regulations

    Users must apply the following instructions:

    • Follow the dress code below:

    • Wear a bathing suit (underwear are prohibited);

    • Loose clothes or garments made of fabric with absorbent properties or that do not fit the body are prohibited;

    • Babies must wear clean waterproof diaper at all time;

    • Respect the following security standards:

      • Children under 13 years old* must be accompanied and supervised by a parent or guardian;

    * have successfully completed the aptitude test to be alone without a parent or guardian.

      • Non swimmers must wear a flotation jacket or stay in the shallow area and be accompanied and supervised by a parent or guardian;

      • Listen and follow instructions from lifeguards;

    • Shower before swimming.

    It is prohibited to:

    • Use springboard without permission and dive into shallow water;

    • Run around the pool;

    • Pushing or shoving someone into the pool and flipping mattresses;

    • Eat or chew gum; drink from glass containers;

    • Hyperventilate or perform games or workouts that require you to hold your breath. Apnea is not permitted;

    • Bathing if contagious disease, diarrhea or open sores;

    • Spit, urinate, blow your nose or soil the water in any way;

    • Wear city or sports boots or shoes.

    Failure to comply will result in a warning. If there is a recurrence, the user will be deported

  • Mixed sauna regulations
    Users must:
    • Register with the SRP desk and sign in;
    • Wear a bathing suit in all circumstances (nudity prohibited even in the sauna);
    • Be 18 years of age or older;
    • Shower before use;
    • Use a towel to sit on benches.
    It is forbidden to:
    • Eat; drink in glass containers;
    • Project water or other liquid onto stones
    We recommand to:
    • Consult a health care professional if you are pregnant or have heart, lung, vascular or other health problems that may worsen under extreme heat conditions;
    • Do not exceed 20 minutes and take a cold shower at the exit;
    • Hydrate regularly and take breaks as needed.

     For information and booking, contact the SRP desk at 418-677-4000, ext 7980
  • Outdoor Sports fields regulations

    Outdoor sports fields users must:

    • Follow the dress code below:

      • Dress must be appropriate for the activity:

        1. Sports pants or short (covering up to mid-thigh);

        2. Training shirt or tank top: covering the abdomen, pectoral, dorsal and lower back (no bare torso);

        3. Wear appropriate sports shoes;

    • Pick up sports equipment and trash before leaving the field.

    We invite you to view our sports facilities page to know all the regulations and to view the schedule of facilities bookings:

    For information: [email protected] or ext. 7521