Catholic chapel
Sunday mass at 11:00 am (mass in french).
- Baptism: Contact the chaplain as soon as your baby is born.
- Wedding: Make your reservation six mounths before the planned wedding date. Some preparatory meetings will be required.
- First Confession, First Communion and Confirmation: contact the catholic chaplain for information.
- Individual confession by appointment.
- Throughout the liturgical year, several community celebrations are held.
The Catholic community can offer a service in English for the Anglophone community on the base. It would also like to organize an activity for the children during Sunday mass. If you are interested contact the Catholic chaplain at 418-677-4000 ext. 7380.
Parish organizations: We are always looking for volunteers to serve as readers, musicians, cantors or altar servers, participate in the children's religious education, join the chapel committee, etc.
Protestant chapel
Sunday service (in English) at 9:00 am
- Contemporary music
- Communion: the first Sunday of the month.
- Community neal the last Sunday of the month.
- Sunday school for children at
- Baptisms: contact the Protestant chaplain for more information.
- Confirmations: call to fine out more.
- Weddings: Schedule a meeting with the chaplain six mouths before the planned wedding date. Several meetings will be required.
- Groups within the congregation: chapel committee, women's meeting, bible study, prayer meetings, men's breakfast, and family activities.