Whether you're thinking of posting to Yellowknife, are interested in a future posting to Yellowknife or are being told that you're going to be posted to Yellowknife you should find the following information very helpful. You may also want to reference the posting handbook throughout your posting in Yellowknife.
The posting handbook has detailed information that may help you decide if a posting to Yellowknife is right for you and/or your family.
If you are wondering about where to stay during your HHT or while you are waiting for your F&E, you can refer to our Yellowknife Accommodations document.
Here is a short video about living in Yellowknife; The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. *Note: this video may not open on DWAN
Check out these informative topic specific FAQ's:
Childcare FAQ
Cost of Living FAQ
Health Care FAQ
Housing Rental (On Economy)
Pet Care FAQ
If all else fails or you have additional questions or need additional support, please contact the North of 60 Military Family Resource Centre. Our office is located at 5124 - 54th Street (house on the corner of 52nd Ave & 54th St). Call or drop in between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm Monday to Friday.
Phone: 867-873-0700
E-mail: [email protected]
Mailing Address:
5124- 54th St
PO Box 6666 Station Forces
Yellowknife, NT
X1A 3R2