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2024 Annual General Meeting

A military couple, smiling, having coffee while looking at a tablet

Find information and updates about the Winnipeg MFRC 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM)

When:  June 25, Tuesday at 1800 (Winnipeg time)

Location: Virtual, via Zoom


Everything you need to know to attend the 2024 AGM

  • What is an AGM?
    An Annual General Meeting (AGM) is a meeting of the members of the military community in Winnipeg and the surrounding areas. The AGM is held within six months of the end of the fiscal year, and must be held every calendar year. The purpose of the AGM is to give members an opportunity each year to meet the directors, ask questions, and receive information about the MFRC.
  • Who can attend the AGM?
    All members of the military community in Winnipeg and the surrounding areas.
  • What to expect at an AGM?

    The main business conducted at the AGM is:

    1. Hearing and receiving the reports and statements required by the Corporations Act;
    2. Electing the Board of Directors;
    3. Approving the previous year’s financial audit;
    4. Appointing an auditor for the current fiscal year;
    5. Any other required business properly brought before the meeting.
  • Who are eligible to vote during the AGM?

    The following attendees are eligible to vote:

    1. A full-time serving Canadian Forces (CF) member; 
    2. Married to or a common-law spouse of a full-time serving CF member; 
    3. A parent of a full-time serving single CF member; and
    4. A Class A reservist or their family member before, during, or after their deployment

Don't miss our 2024 AGM!

Please register by June 14
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2024 AGM Materials

Available to view or download closer to the meeting
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