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Stay Active! | Valcartier

This program has been designed by kinesiologists specialized in rehabilitation. This is a great opportunity to be supervised by a health professional who uses physical activity for performance, rehabilitation and prevention purposes. With his or her knowledge of acute and chronic pain, the kinesiologist will be able to take a personalized approach to your needs, in a semi-private group setting.

  • Rates and Schedule
    Name of the course Code   Date Schedule PSP   NPSP 
    1 cours / week*    PHY2425081302A  Feb. 10 to April 11, 2025 See detail schedule below 89$ 119$

    Complete program

    PHY2425081302B Feb. 10 to April 11, 2025 See detail schedule below 129$ 169$

    * A member of our team will contact you to determine which course you would like to take for the current session.
    For more information, please contact one of our professionals at 418-844-5000 #3510 or #7282.

  • Avantages
    This program offers courses suitable for both civilians and veterans, with or without pain and/or limitations. The benefits of being active on a daily basis are already well known. Here are just a few examples:
    • Maintaining/improving your physical health 
    • Management of chronic diseases (diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure)
    • Optimization of daily movements according to your condition (injury prevention)
    • Pain reduction/management
    • Break isolation and rub shoulders with others in a similar situation
    • Mental health: reduced stress, improved sleep, release of happy hormones, reduced risk of depression.
  • Why take part in all our courses?
    You have the option of registering for a single course or choosing the package that includes all our courses, at a very attractive price.

    This will give you a greater number of resources in terms of pain management, or simply to maintain good physical fitness on a daily basis.

    As each course has a different objective, it's a good idea to try them all out, so that the components of physical activity complement each other, as well as being more specific to your needs, goals and condition.

  • Functional Training
    Adapted for clients with special conditions or physical restrictions who wish to prevent injury-related deconditioning.
    Includes exercises and movements that reproduce everyday gestures to bring the body to its full potential.

  • Supervised Free Training
    Allows customers to come and do their personalized training program under the supervision of a kinesiologist.

    The goal is to answer clients' questions, make modifications as needed and ensure that training is carried out safely.     

  • Mobility and Posture
    • Inspired by a combination of self-massage, stretching, spinal training and mobility exercises.
    • Using rollers, massage balls and elastics, this course improves joint mobility, muscle flexibility and proprioception, as well as reducing muscle tension.
    • It is an excellent course not only for pain management, but also as a complement to cardiovascular and muscular physical activity for injury prevention.

    8-week course

  • Sheating
    • A course of instruction and training designed to work on and superficial musculature of the trunk in the form of various strengthening and stability exercises.
    • You'll see a progression of exercises over the course of the session to improve endurance and engagement of core muscles as well as your posture.
    • Good posture is essential to control and optimize your movements, whether you're training, activities of daily living or in a rehabilitation context.
    • Duration - 8 weeks
  • Active Living
    • Functional training with cardiovascular and muscular exercises to prevent deconditioning due to injury or aging.
    • This course includes movements that reproduce everyday tasks to bring the body to its full potential.
    • It incorporates exercises that develop coordination, balance, strength and muscular endurance.
    • The intensity of this course varies from moderate to high, depending on the level and condition.
    • Duration - 8 weeks
  • Strenght and Posture
    • Inspired by a combination of stretching, mobility and yoga movement.
    • This class improves mobility, flexibility, proprioception, posture and reduces muscular tension in a relaxing environment.
    • This course aims to reduce physical and mental stress.
    • Low-intensity muscle training with body weight, bolster, yoga block, Swiss ball and elastic. Floor, chair and standing positions.
    • 8-week course