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Yukon Galley

Operated by the Wing Replenishment Squadron, the Yukon Galley located at 75 Yukon Street; is the main feeding facility for the Wing. It is an all-ranks food court offering a wide variety of choices for diners to enjoy.

The Yukon Galley offers a variety of meal choices in accordance with the National Standardized Cycle Menu.  A summer patio and a climate controlled dining facility for those hot, humid summer days in Trenton are just a sample of the treats to enjoy at the Yukon Galley. 

Dress in the Galley is relaxed, however, footwear and shirts are required.  Shorts or pants must be clean and in good condition.  Personal work coveralls and jackets are not to be worn in the dining room and are to be left in the cloakroom. 

Wing Food Services is commmitted to providing the best service possible during your stay in Trenton, and we look forward to your feedback. We strive to live up to our motto "By the Military Community, for the Military Community."

In response to health concerns, the Yukon Galley is a Scent Free Facility. Staff and visitors are asked to not use scented products when reporting to this facility.


Contact us for rations.

Ground Box Lunch or Bulk Food

Please complete this form to order Ground Box Lunch or Bulk Food.