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The MFRC office is located in the Ralston Community Centre, Building R35 - Dugway Drive. 

CFB Suffield MFRC Privacy Policy

The CFB Suffield Military Family Resource Centre (MFRC) respects and protects the privacy of its clients. The MFRC and/or the Child/Youth Services department may ask for your personal information (name, address, phone number and third party information such as emergency contact names and numbers) when registering for some programs/activities. This information is required for contact/follow-up purposes, invoicing and collection where applicable. The MFRC and the Child/Youth Services department will not disclose your information to any third parties without your consent, unless circumstances such as legal, medical or security reasons make it impossible or impractical to seek consent. To ensure the privacy of our clients, all information collected by the MFRC is used solely for MFRC purposes identified, under strict confidentiality in compliance with the Privacy Code for Military Family Services Program (MFSP). If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, you may contact our Executive Director, Leila Phillips or the HR Manager, Kerry Goldring at 403-544-5567.

Board of Directors

MFRC's are managed by a volunteer board of directors, represented by a majority of military family members. Board members are elected by the community. They assess local needs, in order to avoid duplication of community services and resources, while determining priorities and providing leadership of the delivery of the national Military Family Services Program.

MFRC Coffee & Chat

Come on down to the MFRC Reception Area (located in the Ralston Community Centre) for your morning coffee (or tea!). Start your day off with a quick brew and catch up with friends and MFRC staff...stay on top of what's going on. We are open for coffee mornings on weekdays between 8:45-11:30 AM. See you there folks!