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Suffield Garrison Warrant Officers' & Sergeants' Mess

The Suffield Garrison Warrant Officers' & Sergeants' Mess is a hub of activity for it's members on a daily basis.  We proudly support Mess members from both the Canadian and British Armed Forces.

The Mess shall be operated in accordance with regulations and orders governing the operation of Messes in the Canadian Forces, and the instructions contained in our Constitution and By-laws which amplify it. The Base Commander, Canadian Forces Base Suffield is the Commanding Officer of the Mess. The Base Regimental Sergeant Major is his representative and is the senior Mess member of this Mess.  It is understood that customs and traditions in the Canadian Forces and the British Forces differ. Accommodation will be attempted but it must be clearly understood that the Mess will operate within the confines of the rules, regulations and orders at all times.


The Suffield Garrison Warrant Officers' & Sergeants' Mess offers a pool table, dart board, shuffle board, 50" TV (including BFBS), and a large fenced yard with a patio area.  

WIFI is available for all members who have booked into the Mess.  Please consult with a member of the Mess staff for the access code. 

*Please note that unauthorized downloads (ie: movies) are not allowed.  If notification is received, it will cause a disruption in WIFI services at the discretion of the Base RSM. 

National Designated Driver Program

Should you be a designated driver for an evening out at the Mess, we will provide you with a non-alcoholic beverage! Let the bartender know and they will ensure you are taken care of!


The only designated smoking area for the Mess is the patio.  Smoking in any other area of the Mess is strictly prohibited unless a specific area has been approved in advance for Mess Functions.  

  • Dress Regulations
    It is the responsibility of all members of the Mess to maintain the highest standard of dress that will bring and reflect credit upon the member, the Mess, and the Base. Combinations of civilian and military dress will not be tolerated. Hats/Berets, coats, belts, briefcases, drill canes and pace sticks will be left in the cloakroom. The dress for each function will be clearly indicated on the function Proforma and the Mess notice board. It is the responsibility of all Mess members to ensure that dress regulations are adhered to at all times. 

    Orders of dress are defined as follows:
    a. Formal:
    (1) Canadian Military:
          (a) DEU 2B and 3, and
          (b) Mess dress No.2 (Mess Kit);
    (2) British Forces:
          (a) No 2, and
          (b) Mess Kit;
    (3) Spouses/Guests:
          (a) Tuxedo,
          (b) Dark suit, and
          (c) Gown (ankle length);
    b. Informal:
    (1) Sports jacket or blazer,
    (2) Planters,
    (3) Dress slacks,
    (4) Dress style sport or polo shirt open at the neck,
    (5) Dress shoes, and
    (6) Cocktail dress (mid-calve length);
    c. Relaxed / Casual:
    (1) Dress slacks,
    (2) Dress style sport or polo shirts open at the neck,
    (3) Dress shoes, and
    (4) Clean and in good repair, jeans and running shoes;
    d. Unacceptable Mess dress:
    (1) Singlets, T-shirts, tank tops,
    (2) Sweatshirts,
    (3) PT/Sports attire and shorts of any description,
    (4) Coveralls, and
    (5) Thongs, sandals or similar footwear.
     Note: During the summer months, sandals are authorized with socks.

    Sports Clothing: The Base RSM, BATUS RSM or PMC may authorize PT or sports attire in the Mess after a sporting function or as part of a theme function. BATUS dress in the dining room is relaxed in line with junior ranks but limited to the following caveats:
    a. sportswear must be clean and in good repair; and
    b. this standard of dress is only permissible in the dining room.
    Working Hours: The uniform of the day, to include seasonal dress, is acceptable in the Mess during normal working hours. Coveralls are not authorized except when it applies to members of the Royal Tank Regiment. Those not on duties may wear relaxed dress.

    Ladies: It is very difficult to be specific and no easier to be general, when dealing with the dress of ladies, however, a common sense approach along the lines of what is generally socially acceptable in most military circles has been, in the past, the best guideline. Footwear that is suitable to the occasion and dress style is authorized.

    Footwear: Appropriate footwear will be worn to suit the order of dress and occasion. Clean and in good repair running shoes / trainers are authorized in the Mess.

    Belts: The following will apply in relation to the wearing of belts in the Mess:
    a. Sam Browns: Warrant Officers wearing an order of dress which includes the Sam Brown belt may leave the belt on when in the Mess if it is their Regimental custom to do so; and
    b. Web Belt: The web belt may be left on when in the Mess in shirtsleeve order.
    Orders and Decorations: Orders and Decorations will be removed from the uniform upon entering the Mess except when in Mess Kit. The only exceptions are the New Year’s Levee, Remembrance Day and when National Traditions, Customs or Regulations dictate.
  • Mess Committee

    Got a question? Send us an e-mail and we'll do everything we can to help. Click here to send an e-mail to the PMC & Mess Manager.

    Mess Committee Members:​​​​​​

    • BASE RSM: CWO P Paquette
    • BATUS RSM: WO1 G Bloomfield
    • PMC: WO2 M Vanden
    • VPMC: MWO R Blowes
    • Secretary: SSgt T Singh
    • Memberships/Sports: Sgt R Letendre
    • Improvements/Housing: Sgt Baronet
  • Mess Constitution and Bylaws

    The Suffield Garrison Warrant Officers' & Sergeants' Mess Constitution and Bylaws can be found here.

    A copy of the Constitution can also be found on the Mess notice board in the bar area.  

Contact Us

Mess Manager
403-544-4011 Extension 4491
[email protected]

Bar Staff 
403-544-4011 Extension 4492