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Introduction to CAF Athletic Trainer Program

The purpose of this course is to introduce individuals to the Canadian Armed Forces Athletic Trainer Program (CAFATP). This course in not trade specific, nor does it require any previous training or experience.  

Course Length

0.5 days (theory) with an 8:1 student-instructor ratio. 

What You Will Learn 

This theory based course focuses on the CAFATP code of conduct, mission, and structure with an emphasis on the injury management and the roles & responsibilities of the CAFATP trainer. 

 Upon completion of this course participants will receive a certificate of completion and are eligible to attend the CAFATP Taping – Level I course (usually held concurrently with the Introduction to CAFATP course) and Sport First Responder course. 


•    First Aid 
•    CPR / AED 
•    NCCP Emergency Action Plan (recommended) 
•    Chain of Command support 
•    Passed annual fitness/FORCE evaluation (unless on MEL’s) 
•    Full time NPF employee or CAF Regular Force member Class B, C, A (in receipt of pay for the duration of the course). Members on any type of leave are not eligible for participation, this includes vacation,  MATA/PATA leave, etc.  


There is no cost for materials/supplies for this course, however, all cost associated with travel (TD, meals, etc.) are the responsibility of the participants B/W/U unless otherwise stated in the Joining Instructions. 

Next Qualification 

• CAFATP Sport Taping – Level I 
•    Sport First Responder  


This qualification does not expire, therefore there is no requirement to requalify as long as regular event coverage is provided. 

How to Register 

Interested participants are to contact their Regional Head Trainer (RHT) and include the following information in their email:  
•    Full name 
•    Rank 
•    Email Address 
•    Course (date & location if applicable) 
•    Base 
•    Unit 
•    SN/NPF Number 
•    Chain of Command support 
•    Related Experience (optional) 

Atlantic, Regional Head Trainer   Captain Amanda Johnson     

Ontario, Regional Head Trainer   Mrs. Megan Donovan    

Canada West, Regional Head Trainer   Mrs. Melissa Green 

Quebec, Regional Head Trainer   Mr. Dominic Pharand 

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