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Our Outstanding Athletes

PSP CFSG (O-G) celebrates the achievements of NCR CAF athletes and their contribution to their teams or sports. Each month will be recognizing our outstanding athletes.

  • Athletes
    Name Sport Accomplishment
    Maj Pierre Alexandre Daigle Triathlon Great finishes in 3 different IRONMAN triathlons this year in Mt. Tremblant, Utah, and Hawaii
    MCpl Marc-Andre Lachance Strongman 1st place in U90kg at Provincial Championships
  • Teams
    Name  Sport Accomplishment
    Women's Ottawa Nationals Soccer 2nd place at Nationals
    Ottawa Nationals/Quebec Region Golf 1st place at Regionals, 1st at Nationals
  • Coaches
    Name Sport Accomplishment
    Capt Gary Lacoursiere Powerlifting Selected as Team Canada head coach for International Powerlifting Federation for the North American Regional Championships. Canada brought home 10 Golds, 4 Silvers, and 1 Bronze medal.
    Pete Hillier Volleyball Advocate for Regionals/Nationals.  Coaching both men & women's teams
  • Managers
    Name Sport Accomplishment
    Maj Amy Godwin Women's Soccer Instrumental in recruiting women, organizing practices, and taking care of equipment and teammates, which helped the women's team achieve great success at Nationals.
    WO Ben McGovern, Cpl Johncy
    Matheson, CWO John Devoe
    Men's Intramural Hockey League success and organization could not be as well prepared if not for these 3 gentlemen.
  • Officials
    Name Sport Accomplishment
    Maj Sam Mizuno Soccer Organized team of qualified officials for Quebec regionals and helped with Nationals as well.
    Maj Kelly Holden Hockey Head Official for NCR Intramural league, in charge of ref scheduling, and league stats.