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The Chiefs’ Workouts

Join the PSP Fitness team for a series of fitness challenges featuring workouts inspired by CPO1/CWO in the National Capital Region.  

Our PSP Fitness and Sports Instructors (PSP FSI's) will lead a Chiefs workout, a friendly competition to encourage maximum participation in physical fitness across all formations/organizations located in the National Capital Region.

CWO Rousseau's Workout

The third challenge will take place on 4 July in 7 PSP facilities across the NCR (101 Colonel By, Startop, Leitrim, Carling Campus, 455 de la Carrière, Shirleys Bay and Conventry) and will be inspired by CWO Martin Rousseau.

How it will work:

  • All regular scheduled classes on the 4 July will be diverted to the Chief Workout.
  • All interested members are to register through PSP “special events” (using a DWAN computer) for a time and location to conduct the workout.
  • PSP FSI's will be the OPI for the event and will run it at the prescribed time and location.

CWO Rousseau's Workout

Option 1: (2 DB)

4 rounds:

10 burpees

20 handstand push-ups

30 Farmers Carry Walking Lunges (DB 50/35)

40 Front Squats with 2 DB’s   (50/35)


Option 2: (1 DB)

4 rounds:

10 burpees

20 pike push-ups

30 Goblet Walking Lunges (DB 50/35)

40 Goblet Squats (1DB 50/35)


Option 3: (Bodyweight)

4 rounds:

10 burpees

20 push-ups

30 Walking Lunges

40 Air Squats

Modified options are available to suit everyone! 

*The challenges are open to CAF members, DND and NPF employees, but civilians will need to sign a liability form and cannot participate during peak hours: 0630-0800 and 1200-1300.

Hope to see you there in great numbers!

Previous Workouts

  • CWO Jason Pickard's Workout

    3 rounds:

    • 100 Single unders or Jumping Jacks
    • 10 Pull-ups or Inverted rows
    • 10 DB Thrusters (1DB) (50/35)

    40 T2B or Hanging Knee Raises or V-Ups

    2 rounds:

    • 100   single unders or jumping jacks
    • 20 Push-ups (kneeling push-ups)
    • 20 DB clean and press (1DB) (50/35)

    40 T2B or hanging Knee Raises or V-Ups

    1 round:

    • 100  single unders or jumping jacks
    • 30 Burpees (half burpees)
    • 30 DB Snatch (1DB) (50/35)
  • CWO Paul Mathieu’s Workout
    • 21-15-9
    • Dead lift (lighter weight 135/95)
    • Push ups

    Row 250m

    • 15-12-9
    • Dead lift (mod weight 185/125)
    • Handstand push-ups (or diamond push-ups or pike push ups)

    Row 250m

    • 12-9-6
    • Dead lift (225/155)
    • Pull-ups