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The Chiefs’ Workouts

Join the PSP Fitness team for a series of fitness challenges featuring workouts inspired by CPO1/CWO and other CAF members in the National Capital Region.  

Our PSP Fitness and Sports Instructors (PSP FSI's) will lead a Chiefs workout, a friendly competition to encourage maximum participation in physical fitness across all formations/organizations located in the National Capital Region.

CWO Frederick Lavoie's Workout

The challenge will take place on 11 February 2025 in 6 PSP facilities across the NCR (Leitrim, Coventry, Startop, 101 Colonel By, 455 Blvd de la Carrière, NDHQ Carling) and will be inspired by CWO Frederick Lavoie

How it will work:

  • All regular scheduled classes on 11 February will be diverted to the Chief Workout.
  • All interested members are to register through PSP “special events” (using a DWAN computer) for a time and location to conduct the workout.
  • PSP FSI's will be the OPI for the event and will run it at the prescribed time and location.

CWO Lavoie's Workout:
AMRAP 26 minutes: 
Run 200m 
10 Goblet squats 
20 box jumps overs 
30 lateral jumps over DB 

Modified options are available to suit everyone! 

*The challenges are open to CAF members, DND and NPF employees, but civilians will need to sign a liability form and cannot participate during peak hours: 0630-0800 and 1200-1300.

Hope to see you there in great numbers!

Previous Chiefs Workouts

  • CWO Robin’s Workout
    AMRAP 30 minutes
    *While one partner is doing an exercise the other partner is doing 6 shuttle runs (1 shuttle run = 2 X 25 feet)
    1. V-Ups
    2. Push-ups
    3. Jumping Lunges
    4. Mountain Climbers
    5. Dips (put benches or boxes)
    6. Air Squats
    7. Plank Hold
    8. Pike Push-ups
    9. Jump Squats
    10. Burpees
  • CWO Roger Shaver’s Workout

    A – AMRAP - 8mins

    • 8 x Box Step-ups (24/20) weight single DB (50/35)
    • 4 x 25feet - Farmer carry/ Alt every 25 feet weight single DB (50/35)

    Rest 2 min

    B - AMRAP - 8mins

    • 8 x wall balls weight (20/14)
    • 8 x cleans weight (95/65)

    Rest 2 min

    C – AMRAP - 8mins

    • 11/8 Cal - Row or 8 Shuttle runs (if space permits)*
    • 8 x Burpee over row or over line (if shuttle runs)

    * 1 shuttle run = 2 X 25ft

  • CWO Jason Pickard's Workout

    3 rounds:

    • 100 Single unders or Jumping Jacks
    • 10 Pull-ups or Inverted rows
    • 10 DB Thrusters (1DB) (50/35)

    40 T2B or Hanging Knee Raises or V-Ups

    2 rounds:

    • 100   single unders or jumping jacks
    • 20 Push-ups (kneeling push-ups)
    • 20 DB clean and press (1DB) (50/35)

    40 T2B or hanging Knee Raises or V-Ups

    1 round:

    • 100  single unders or jumping jacks
    • 30 Burpees (half burpees)
    • 30 DB Snatch (1DB) (50/35)
  • CWO Paul Mathieu’s Workout
    • 21-15-9
    • Dead lift (lighter weight 135/95)
    • Push ups

    Row 250m

    • 15-12-9
    • Dead lift (mod weight 185/125)
    • Handstand push-ups (or diamond push-ups or pike push ups)

    Row 250m

    • 12-9-6
    • Dead lift (225/155)
    • Pull-ups
  • CWO Rousseau's Workout

    Option 1: (2 DB)

    4 rounds:

    10 burpees

    20 handstand push-ups

    30 Farmers Carry Walking Lunges (DB 50/35)

    40 Front Squats with 2 DB’s   (50/35)


    Option 2: (1 DB)

    4 rounds:

    10 burpees

    20 pike push-ups

    30 Goblet Walking Lunges (DB 50/35)

    40 Goblet Squats (1DB 50/35)


    Option 3: (Bodyweight)

    4 rounds:

    10 burpees

    20 push-ups

    30 Walking Lunges

    40 Air Squats