Categories of membership
Regular Member
- Regular, reserve and retired CAF members and their immediate families*
- Canadian Cadet Organization members
- Foreign Military Members Serving with the CAF and their immediate families*
Ordinary Member
- Staff of the Non Public Funds, Canadian Forces (CFMWS) and their immediate families*
- Military Family Resource Centre (MFRC) employees and their immediate families*
- DND Public servants and their immediate families*
- Defence Construction Canada (DCC) employees and their immediate families*
- Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) employees and their immediate families*
- Communications Security Establishment of Canada of Canada (CSE) employees and their immediate families*
- Canadian Coast Guard members and their immediate families*
- RCMP members and their immediate families*
- Cadets and their immediate families*
- Junior Canadian Rangers and their immediate families*
- Honorary Colonels / Captains (N) and Honorary Lieutenant-Colonels / Commanders and their immediate families*
Associate Members
All others