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Sports and Outdoor Stores

Business hours

  • Montreal Garrison

    The store is located at the reception of the Sports Centre.

    Business hours :

    Monday to Friday : 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
    Saturday : 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
    Dimanche : CLOSED

    514-252-2777 # 2752
    [email protected]

  • Saint-Jean Garrison

    The store is located in room M-174 of the Sports Centre

    Please note that due to the current strike by Non-Public Funds employees, equipment rental remains available by appointment only. 

    Please send your request to:  [email protected]

RATES (2024-2025)

To know our prices, please choose the category.
* Prices are subject to change without notice.