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Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

Dolly Parton's Imagination Library is encouraging BC MFRC families to read together. 

Dolly Parton believes that if you can read, you can do anything, dream anything, and be anything. We believe this, too, and we are excited to partner with the Imagination Library to offer our military families the opportunity to read together. 

Dolly Parton's Imagination Library was created in 1995 to enable children to have access to books in the home, regardless of the environment in which they live. For our military families, we know that these home environments can often feel the effects of the military lifestyle—irregular work hours and training exercises that take the military member away from their home. 

We encourage families with young children to use whatever time they have together to enjoy their time together. Our affiliation with Dolly Parton's Imagination Library will provide our families with the ingredients to share time and the joy of reading together, to bond and make lasting memories with the added bonus of building lifelong skills.

How this program works: Children between the ages of 0 and 4 years of age who participate in this program will receive, through Dolly Parton's Imagination Library, one book a month up until the child turns 5 years old. We have space for 100 children to receive books every month!

Eligible families:  BC Mainland military families living anywhere in BC (except for Vancouver Island, which is served by Esquimalt and Comox MFRCs) with children between the ages of 0 and 4 (including age 4)—this includes Regular Force families, Reserve Force families (any class), If you have multiple children in this age bracket, you can apply for each of them—the selected books will be age appropriate for the specific developmental stage of each child


We invite you to share with us your reading experiences!  Tag us on Facebook, showing us how you are all reading together!  Here are some ideas on engaging with us and further enriching your reading experience:

  • Upload a photo of your monthly selection and tag us on Facebook

  • Ask your child to review the books (you can get creative here—a video review, an informal Q&A, a drawing)—if you post this to your own social page, please do tag us (you can also tag the author). 

To register, please contact us at [email protected]