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Kingston Eco-Team

The Eco Team consists of representatives from DND and DCC where our mission drives GHG reduction efforts across the CFB Kingston base.

The Eco-Team focuses on enhancing occupant behaviour to reflect best practices in energy efficiency and to enhance education surrounding sustainability efforts.

With the Department of National Defence (DND) at CFB Kingston, we are partnering to help reduce energy consumption and as a result, greenhouse gas emissions from DND facilities 40% by 2030. Together we are using innovative solutions to modernize CFB Kingston to use less energy and water while creating more comfortable, efficient work and home environments for soldiers and their families.

Our measures will improve more than 100 buildings across the base, addressing every aspect of aging building systems to modernize infrastructure. We are replacing windows, repatching roofs, and retrofitting or replacing boilers and rooftop units. We are installing energy-efficient lights and modernizing water fixtures. We are optimizing HVAC controls to reduce energy use and adding solar PV panels to increase renewable energy.

The cost of this work will be paid from the savings generated by the energy-efficient new systems. With extensive expertise and a deep understanding of the challenges involved, the Eco-Team aims to become CFB Kingston’s partner to reducing GHG emissions and to lead the march to net zero by 2050.