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Virtual Absence Support

coffee cup standing next to laptop

Join us from the comfort of your own home to explore topics related to navigating the absence of a CAF member and connect with others who understand this unique journey!

  • 1900 - 2000 Tuesday
  • Kingston Military Family Resource Centre

This event is offered to all adults (18+) who are preparing for the possibility of, or currently experiencing, an absence — or adjusting to reunite with their CAF member. Bi-weekly topics will be tailored to allow individuals to learn, share, or take a moment for personal wellness, while facing the challenges and expectations of military family life.

Whether your loved one is away for a few days, weeks, or months — and whether you’re a spouse, partner (with or without kids), parent, dependent, or friend of a CAF member—you likely have questions, and things you want to understand better. Check back regularly to see the list of bi-weekly topics.

This event will be facilitated in English. 

Schedule of activities:
April 1, 2025 : Trivia challenge
Ready for a trivia challenge? Some of these are real, and some are pure April Fool’s fun. Join us!

April 15, 2025: MOMC - Nurturing Resilience
Let’s talk about nurturing resilience through an absence! You’re invited to share and discuss helpful tips for loved ones of all ages - with a special, Month of the Military Child focus on helping children navigate an absence.

April 29, 2025: Yoga Nidra
Join Pamela for a gentle Yoga Nidra practice and enjoy guided rest. Yoga Nidra is a teacher-led meditation known as “yoga sleep” or “effortless relaxation”. This practice draws our attention inward, so we learn to surf between the states of wakefulness and sleep, where our body finds its natural state of equilibrium and we fall into an innate state of deep, blissful awareness.

May 13, 2025: Mindfulness and self-compassion

Remember that oxygen mask! Join us to discuss how to leverage mindfulness and self-compassion, to remain resilient through an absence.

May 27, 2025: Open chat (peer support)

June 10, 2025: Resolving stress behaviour
Let’s apply self-regulation strategies to face summer transitions successfully.

June 24, 2025: Open chat (peer support) 

coffee cup standing next to laptop

Activity Registration