Virtual Legal Advice Clinic
Meet with a lawyer for a free 30 minute legal advice consultation in English or French. Legal Advice clinic open to all CAF members and their families in the Kingston and area only.
By Appointment Only Thursday
Kingston Military Family Resource Centre
Getting ready for your free virtual legal counsel:
- Do you have documents you wish to share? Screen sharing or scan your documents and have them ready to be emailed directly to the law firm.
- No legal advice will be given if your matter is concerning custody and/or access of children who reside outside the Province of Ontario.
- No legal advice will be given for criminal cases.
Clients should make sure that they are alone in a safe location and cannot be easily overheard. If a lawyer does not believe the client is able to speak freely for themselves they may end the meeting and the client can reschedule for another time.
Law student observer:
I give Ecclestone Law Professional Corporation Société Professionnelle permission to include a 3rd year Queen’s Law student. If permitted to attend meetings, the student will be subject to a written undertaking requiring him to keep anything he learns in complete confidence. Any breach of that confidence would subject him to, among other things, sanction by the Law School and by the Law Society.
By requesting this service, you agree to the following:
- The KMFRC is not responsible for the legal representation but is a bridge for our CAF community to legal counsel.
- I give the KMFRC permission to transmit my email address to Ecclestone Law Professional Corporation Société Professionnelle. The KMFRC will use reasonable means to protect the security and confidentiality of email information sent and received, but the KMFRC cannot guarantee the security and confidentiality of email communication.
- If I need to cancel my appointment, I will provide 48 hours notice. Failure to give notice may result in not being able to access this service in the future.