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When to reach out for free financial advice tailored to your military lifestyle

Military members and families are always on the move. Here’s how to ensure your finances keep pace.

Life is always changing. When big things happen in your life, your financial situation can often change as well. The good news is every military member, veteran and family members has access to free, confidential financial education, counselling and investment advice tailored to your military lifestyle. 

Seven times to reach out for confidential financial counselling or advice

1. You need a financial plan and household budget

Develop a budget with an expert and learn techniques to be financially successful. 

Find out how to set financial goals, pay down debt efficiently, understand how to use credit well and known when your budget requires adjustments. 

 2You have a big purchase in mind

If you’re on the verge of making a big financial decision, talk to a financial expert. 

Any big purchase has an impact on your budget and on your financial plan. Reach out for expert advice before you buy. This could include buying or selling a house, buying a vehicle, starting a new business, or planning home renovations.

 3. You’re facing a major life change.

Military members and their families have an active lifestyle. Check in with your advisor whenever there’s a big change in life. This could be a posting message, a promotion or job change, marriage, separation, a death in the family, taking on a caregiving role, or a new baby/child coming into your home. SISIP experts can help you adapt your budget, make sure your savings are on track and that you have the right insurance in place to meet your needs.

 4. You feel worried 

It’s easy to eliminate stress about money when you have expert advice just a phone call away. If you’re concerned about your budget, you feel like debt is creeping up on you, or you’re simply unsure about your financial plan,  it’s a great time to sit down with a SISIP expert.

 5. You’re experiencing financial stress

There’s nothing worse than feeling things are out of your control. Many people face financial hardship at certain times of their lives. If you have collectors calling, a garnishment on your wages, or you feel your financial situation is spiralling, reach out for a confidential appointment with SISIP Financial counsellor. Free financial support will allow you to create a plan to get back on track and feel comfortable about money again.

 6. You want to start saving a portion of your income

It’s easier than you think to start saving and investing money regularly. SISIP advisors can help you craft a plan designed with your financial goals at the forefront. 

 7. You want to make sure your family is protected

Protect the ones you love. Many military members and their families have adventurous lifestyles, including hobbies that match their zest for life. SISIP Financial has unique life insurance policies with no exemptions for dangerous occupations or past-times, making it easier for you to get out and do what you love, while leaving your worries behind.

SISIP experts are part of the military community. Reach out whenever you have financial concerns. We’ll work together to get your finances on track.


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