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How to save $1,000 in six months

family putting money in piggy bank

Saving becomes habitual over time, puts you in good financial health and ensures you have money when you need it.

Imagine opening your bank app six months from now. Instead of a zero balance, there are many zeroes, with a one in front. You’ve got $1000, the equivalent of 10, $100-bills. And it’s all yours! It’s a goal entirely within your reach. Here are five ways to get started. 

1. Commit to a deadline 

Write it down. “In six months, I will have $1000 in my savings.” Stick it on your fridge or in a central place where you can see it, keep a note in your pocket, tell your close friends. The first step to achieving any goal, including a financial one, is 100% commitment. 

2. Open a savings account 

Have an account that’s separate from your everyday chequing and not connected to your debit card. You’re less likely to dip into your savings if the money isn’t easily accessible. 

3. Automate your savings 

If you get paid twice per month, automatically transfer $84 per paycheque to your savings. That’s all it takes to have $1,000 in half a year! Far less than your car payment. Find out how you can set up a payroll deduction or an automatic electronic funds transfer. After a few weeks, you won’t even notice the money missing. After all, you can’t spend what you never had in your hot, little hands. 

4. Reduce spending 

Track your spending to see where you’re spending frivolously. Do you really need to hit the drive-thru three times per day or eat out eight days pera week? Maybe you can renegotiate your telecom bill or find ways to trim the fat from your food budget. Every dollar you don’t spend can be allocated to your savings. You don’t have to give up all the things. Small changes to your budget really add up. 

5. Boost your income 

As you work toward your $1000 target, you may consider taking a part-time job, selling big ticket items you don’t need or starting a business. Get creative about how you can get more money coming in each month allocate to your savings. 

Once you’ve hit your target, set your next-level savings goal. Saving becomes habitual over time, puts you in good financial health and ensures you have money when you need it.  

Contact your SISIP advisor today to review your financial plan and set you on the path to financial health. 

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