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H&R MFRC Board of Directors

The H&R MFRC is a provincially registered charity, governed by a Board of Directors made up of dedicated volunteers who execute the Mission, Vision and Values of the organization. Board membership is comprised of 51% family members of serving CAF members; governed by families for families.

The H&R MFRC is a Governance Board (often referred to as the Carver Model) that develops the strategic direction and maintain governance oversight for H&R MFRC programs and services.

Our board membership is a complement of varying skills in a range of areas, thus ensuring a high functioning, professional board governing a professional organization. Members are knowledgeable and committed to developing a strategic plan that ensures families are supported in the unique experience of military life.

The board has monthly meetings (September to June) with the Executive Director to receive updates on the organization’s activities. There are several standing committees that members are engaged including Policy Development, Board Development, and Executive Committee. All board members participate in orientation and ongoing board development training.

Meet our Board of Directors

  • Larissa Page

    Chair View Bio

    Larissa Page


    1. As you know 51% of the Board membership is comprised of military family members so tell us what is your connection to the military community?

    I am both a military spouse and daughter. My father is a lifelong Air Force member. My husband is in the navy.

    2. What drew you to get involved and volunteer to be a part of the MFRC Board of Directors? What inspires you to continue to be part of the organization?

    The MFRC has been a big part of my life for a long time. I played there as a child in Gander, attended programs or volunteered as a youth then was employed in Gagetown, and have been attending playdates and running LLL meetings from the Shearwater MFRC for the last 5 years. It has always been welcoming, supportive, and helpful. I am excited to play a part in that.

    3. Tell us a bit about your life experience, education or work background and how it assists in contributing as a member of the Board of Directors.

    I was raised in a military household, was an active air cadet, went on to receive a BSc and a BEd in secondary education. I’ve had numerous jobs, including working at the MFRC and in the school system, giving me a number of different skills. For the past five years I’ve stayed home with my children and instead pursued entrepreneurial ventures instead. All this experience has given me work ethic, time management skills, communication skills, and many others that will contribute to my being a member of the board.