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Weight Rooms

Our two weight rooms offer a variety of equipment to challenge your fitness goals.

Equipment includes:

  • 4 Olympic lifting platforms with rubberized bumper plates
  • Weight machines including Smith Machine & Benches
  • Dumbbells, Barbells, Kettle bells & Free Weights
  • Ab Machines
  • Plyometric & Jerk Boxes

Policy and Regulations

  1. Proper footwear and clothing must be worn at all times. NO sandals, socks or bare feet permitted and a minimum of a tank top that covers your abdomen and shorts must be worn. 
  2. No gym bags or extra clothing is permitted, please use lockers.
  3. For safety reasons, please put away all weights, equipment and benches back to their proper locations.
  4. In the interests of safety and sanitation, please spray and wipe equipment after use
  5. Please respect military, DND, and NPF employee priority training times.
  6. Absolutely no food or drink (other than water / nutritional drink in an unbreakable container) is permitted.
  7. Users must be 16 years or between ages 12 – 15 and directly supervised by a parent or guardian (18 years of age or older) at all times.  Youth who have completed the Youth on Weights Course and can display their card can use the weight room.  Course is for you 13 - 15 years of age.
  8. To ensure proper safety and enjoyment of all users, please familiarize yourself with all rules and regulations of this facility.
  9. Please report any unauthorized use or abuse to the front desk
  10. No pictures or videos.  Permission may be granted from management.with proper photo consent forms. Forms must be filled out and signed by those being photographed.
  11. Chalk is permitted in the weight room at designated stations where dispensers are available.  Users must bring their own chalk. 


  1. Clean all equipment when you are done
  2. Put weights and equipment away when finished
  3. Do not use equipment as leaning posts, or sit on them and use your phone
  4. No pictures or videos.  Permission may be granted from management.with proper photo consent forms. Forms must be filled out and signed by those being photographed.
  5. No foul language
  6. Offer to work in with people
  7. Respect time lines 
  8. When it is busy do not do circuit work
  9. Do not gossip or stare
  10. Please wear indoor shoes as dirty shoes ruin equipment
  11. Inappropriate writing or graphics on clothing is unacceptable
  12. Be courteous to user sensitivities – no perfume or cologne
  13. Do not rearrange weight or cardio equipment
  14. Have a plan.  Go into the weight room with the intention of working out.

 Weight Room Safety 

  1. Do not be afraid to ask for help
  2. Do not assume that you can lift the weight, test it first, do not lift weight that is too heavy
  3. Always use a spotter if applicable
  4. Never try a new technique just because you see a large bodybuilder doing it, ask the professionals about the proper technique and precautions first.
  5. When moving weights, lift with your legs not with your back, do not plant your feet and twist.  Turn with your feet
  6. No horseplay
  7. Clean equipment with paper towel and spray bottles
  8. Drink water frequently