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Mental Health Services

Social Work 

Military life presents unique challenges to families, including frequent relocation and extended family separation. The MFRC continues to provide a supportive community environment to help minimize the impact of these stressors.

The MFRC assists military families by linking them to relevant community resources. We have a network of community resources that can be made available to families. We offer confidential support for the partners, children and friends of military members who are experiencing stressful situations. We connect individuals to others for mutual support. Short-term Intervention and Crisis Support are available to families in times of crisis. The MFRC provides follow up and ongoing support during and after a crisis situation. We maintain a current database of community services and make referrals to appropriate community groups.

The Goose Bay MFRC Social Worker can provide you with any of the following services:

Short Term Counseling Short-term counseling sessions are available. These sessions are free of charge. Individuals, couples and or families may contact my office by phone or in person to request a meeting. Common issues/areas of practice include:

• Separation/divorce
• Anxiety/depression
• Grief/loss
• Health/wellness
• Stress/burnout
• Personal development
• Trauma issues
 • Parent/child issues

Information and Referral
Information and Referral is available to individuals and families who require additional or specialized services within the military and civilian communities. Referrals are generally recommended for the following areas:

 • Long term counseling • Addictions Assessments

• Child/adolescent therapy • Legal services • Financial counseling • Medical services • Mediation services • Support groups

Workshop/Information Sessions Workshops/Information sessions are offered on a variety of issues and topics of interest to individuals and families. These include:

• Parenting issues
• Suicidal ideation
• Family violence
• Depression
• Alcohol and drug issues
• Self esteem issues
• Critical Incident Stress Management

Confidentiality: Confidentiality and trust are essential components to any counseling program. It is very important to explore any confidentiality concerns/issues with the counselor. There are four main exceptions to confidentiality including 1) potential harm to self (ie. suicidal risk) 2) potential harm to others 3) child at risk 4) testimony in court (re: court order).