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FIL Automated Telephone Service - 24/7

Family Information Line     1-800-866-4546    

As the loved one of a Canadian Forces (CF) member, you can contact the Family Information Line (FIL) for any support your family may need as a result of the unique nature of military life.  The FIL offers confident, personal and bilingual assistance.  Our counsellors can help your family obtain information, and provide reassurance, support and referral to the various services offered to CF families.

FIL counsellors provide supportive counselling 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. By calling the FIL, you will be connected to friendly, experienced professionals who are
well-versed on CF communities and services.  Our counsellors can also connect you to your local MFRC.

To support your family during deployment, the FIL also features a 24-hour, toll-free service with detailed recorded messages about deployed operations in Canada and abroad.  The FIL enables your family to access message boxes with information about your loved one’s deployment experience.  Our service also allows you to hear confirmation of news releases,information on incidents, and periodic situation reports.