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Time For Me

  • 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Tuesday
  • MFRC
We all love our children, but whether we are the mom, dad, grandmother or guardian, sometimes it's nice to have a break with just adults. "Time For Me" was created exactly for this purpose! The MFRC will provide coffee, tea, snacks and great space to allow all adults from 9 Wing (with our without children) to get together for an hour and a half to create new relationships in their community. 
Need childcare? We've got you covered! The MFRC will provide FREE childcare for all participants. Due to having a limited amount of space, pre-registration (for childcare only) is a must. Please do so by calling
709-256-1703 ext. 6221206 prior to Tuesday. 
If for some reason if your child is not ready to play in the Child & Youth Room and would rather stay with you, please join us on Fridays from 10:00-11:30am for "Friends & Company". This program allows for all adults and children to stay in the common area together for coffee and playtime. Registration is not required for this program. 
