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Emergency Contacts

woman looking at phone

Family Information Line
00-800-771-17722 (Europe) * It has come to our attention that our toll-free International Family Information Line number (00800 7711 7722) has not been working in all locations. While we work through these connection issues, please know, you are not alone. You can also reach out to the Family Information Line via email at [email protected]. Send your phone number with the country code and an FIL counsellor will call you.

1-800-866-4546 (North America)
1-613-995-5234 (Collect calls)

Canadian Forces Member Assistance Program
1-800-268-7708 | (Teletypewriter) 1-800-567-5803

Kids Help Phone
1-800-668-6868 (North America)

Mental Health Team



Padre G. Flor - Belgium/France/Germany/Luxembourg/Netherlands/Poland
+32 (0) 492 722 686 [email protected]

Padre G. Flor - Estonia/Finland/ Lithuania/Norway/Sweden/UK  +32 (0) 492 722 686 [email protected]

Padre Megan Jones - Austria/Czech Republic/Italy/Romania/Spain/Turkey +39 335 158 0472 [email protected]

Duty Officers

  • Germany & The Netherlands +49 (0) 172 5345900

  • Italy +49 (0) 172 5345900

  • Brussels +32 (0) 47 658 5977

  • SHAPE +32 (0) 479 40 9220

  • United Kingdom & Remote Postings +49 (0) 172 5345900