"Soldier On is a program of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) which contributes to the recovery of ill and injured CAF members and veterans by providing opportunities and resources through sport, recreational, and creative activities. Soldier On is recognized for improving the quality of life of the ill and injured and is a highly visible and integral component of the Department of National Defence, and the CAF’s commitment to the care of ill and injured members. Generous Canadians support the program through donations and fundraising to the Soldier On Fund, which is managed by Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services" (Soldier On).

Soldier On 2019 donation
Members of the Silver Totems Hockey Team presented a cheque for $1,400 to the command team of Transition Centre Comox, accepting on behalf of Soldier On, on December 6. The money was raised by proceeds from the Silver Totems’ annual sports camp held in August, and from donations collected by the team from parents, spectators, and interested parties. The Silver Totems is the official old timers’ hockey team for 19 Wing Comox and plays against other teams from across Vancouver Island. Each year they raise money for Soldier On, a program of the Canadian Armed Forces Transition Group, committed to supporting veterans and serving members to adapt and overcome permanent physical or mental health injury or illness through physical activity and sport.
From left to right: Capt Jeff Seeley, Maj Francis Laplante, Capt Marc Royer, CWO Rock Ferland (Team Canada Invictus Games 2020), Capt Darrell Frowen, and WO Chris Bonnier.

Soldier On 2018 donation
From left to right: Silver Totems Hockey Club president Sgt Dereck Dixon #4, Services Coordinator IPSC Comox Cheryl Rousseau, Silver Totems Sport Camp coordinator Cpl Ryan Kelly #19, IPSC Support Platoon Commander Capt Gérald Turmel, Silver Totems vice-president and camp registrar MWO Rock Ferland #27 and Silver Totem past-president Maj Francis Laplante #23.

Soldier On 2015 donation

Soldier On 2013/14 donation
Pictured are Silver Totems former President #4 Derick Dixon and #24 Jeff Clairmont holding a check for the amount raised through the Annual Totems Sports Camp that was donated to the Soldier On Fund.

Soldier on 2012 donation

Soldier on 2011 donation