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CAF Sports Day at 4 Wing

4 Wing will host its 12th Annual CAF Sports Day on Friday, 18 October 2024 in order to promote physical fitness and team building. The focus of this Wing-wide Sports Day will be on maximum participation of CAF personnel.

This year we have several new and returning activities/sports to choose from… including a capture the flag tournament, disc golf, a hockey tournament, table tennis, spin classes, a volleyball tournament, wellness walk and yoga sessions.  If you would like to participate, just click on the sport below and follow the directions to register!

The Opening Ceremony will be held at 0800hrs at the Col J.J. Parr Sports Centre Blue Arena, all participants are to be in attendance by 0750hrs. The event will close with a “grab and go” lunch from 1100-1300 hrs! All free, thanks to our sponsor, Canadian Natural! The GRAB & GO Free Lunch will be taking place at the Col J.J. Parr Sports Centre front foyer.

Make sure you follow our Facebook page to stay in the loop for all the great events and activities that PSP has to offer!

A huge thank you to our sponsor, Canadian Natural, for showing their support for this great event!


  • Capture the Flag Tournament
    1.    To participate in the Capture the Flag Tournament on 18 October 24, registration must be submitted with a roster template NLT 16 Oct 24 or until the event reaches capacity – whichever one comes first. Please provide:

    a.    your team roster to Event OPI, Brook MacDonald, via e-mail to [email protected]; and

    b.    Team Captain must be identified as the first person on the list, followed by each player’s name, rank, unit, and local. Please include a Team Name!

    2.    The Opening Ceremonies will be held at the Col J.J. Parr Sports Centre Blue Arena at 0800hrs. All participants are to be in attendance by 0750hrs. Sporting events will commence immediately after the Opening Ceremonies.

    3.    Participants will be dressed in appropriate sports attire, and spectators can either be dressed in civilian attire with a jersey, or dress of the day if not wearing a jersey.

    4.    This event will run free of charge to all participants thanks to the sponsor, Canadian Natural. This includes the “grab and go” luncheon from 1100-1300hrs.

    5.     While this is a fun, Wing-wide Sports Day, participants are considered to be “on duty”; therefore, alcohol and/or cannabis consumption will not be permitted.

    6.    If a certain sporting event concludes before 1200hrs, participants will remain as spectators for the other events until noon. 

    7.    Following rules/provisions/details will apply to the tournament:    

    a.    The tournament will consist of 3 rounds of 30-minute games with a 15-minute break before the next round;
    b.    teams must be present 10-15 minutes before the start of their match for check-in and to warm-up. 

    c.    tournament is co-ed – everyone is welcome to participate; teams will consist of 12-15 players maximum; floaters will be accepted; teams will be colour coded;

    d.    maximum of 10 teams will be accepted; and will be on a “first come, first serve” basis; and

    e.    games will be held outdoors at Martineau.

    Questions or concerns regarding this tournament may be directed to Brook MacDonald at [email protected] or x3058.
  • Hockey Tournament

    1.    To participate in the Hockey Tournament on 18 October 24, registration must be submitted with a roster template NLT 16 Oct 24 or until the event reaches capacity – whichever one comes first. Please provide:

    a.    your team roster to Event OPI, Tammy Buchanan, via e-mail to buchanan,[email protected]; and

    b.    Team Captain must be identified as the first person on the list, followed by each player’s name, rank, unit, and local. Please include a Team Name!

    c.    Civilian employees have not been approved to play hockey for CAF Sports Day.

    2.    The Opening Ceremonies will be held at the Col J.J. Parr Sports Centre Blue Arena at 0800hrs. All participants are to be in attendance by 0750hrs. Sporting events will commence immediately after the Opening Ceremonies.

    3.    Participants will be dressed in appropriate sports attire, and spectators can either be dressed in civilian attire with a jersey, or dress of the day if not wearing a jersey.

    4.    This event will run free of charge to all participants thanks to the sponsor, Canadian Natural. This includes the “grab and go” luncheon from 1100-1300hrs.

    5.     While this is a fun, Wing-wide Sports Day, participants are considered to be “on duty”; therefore, alcohol and/or cannabis consumption will not be permitted.

    6.    If a certain sporting event concludes before 1200hrs, participants will remain as spectators for the other events until noon. 

    7.    The following rules/provisions/details will apply to the tournament:    

    a.    tournament is co-ed – a minimum of 6 players per team (5 and 1 goalie) with no maximum number of players; 

    b.    registration is on a “1st come 1st serve” basis, with a limit of one team per unit and a maximum of 4 teams, and floaters will be accepted;

    c.    tournament format will depend on the number of registered teams;

    d.    all rules apply as per CHA rules, except type and quantity of minors or a major incurred will result in player expulsion from tournament, and possible suspension to carry over into 4 Wing Intersection League and/or Base Team hockey (i.e. base rep teams Regional/National);

    e.    the team indicated 1st on the schedule will change jerseys, if needed, (exceptions will be considered);

    f.    extra jerseys will be available to sign out for duration of tournament, if required, (please advise Tammy Buchanan of this requirement prior to tournament); 

    g.    all penalties will result in a penalty shot; and

    h.    first game will begin at 0830hrs, after the Opening Ceremonies and a warm-up.

    Questions or concerns regarding this tournament may be directed to Tammy Buchanan at [email protected] or x8191. 

  • Spin Class - Learn to Use the MSeries App

    1.    To participate in the Spin Event – “Learning to use the MSeries App” on 18 October 24, registration must be submitted NLT 16 Oct 24 or until the event reaches capacity – whichever one comes first. Please provide:

    a.    your Rank, Name and Unit to Event OPI, Hannah Penn, via email to [email protected];

    b.    when registering please list the class time you wish to attend from para 7; and
    c.    to allow for maximum participation, you may register to attend one class on a “first come, first served” basis; option is to stand by to attend a second class if it does not become fully booked. Number of participants will be capped at 14.

    2.    The Opening Ceremonies will be held at the Col J.J. Parr Sports Centre Blue Arena at 0800hrs. All participants are to be in attendance by 0750hrs. Sporting events will commence immediately after the Opening Ceremonies.

    3.    Participants will be dressed in appropriate sports attire, and spectators can either be dressed in civilian attire with a jersey, or dress of the day if not wearing a jersey.

    4.    This event will run free of charge to all participants thanks to the sponsor, Canadian Natural. This includes the “grab and go” luncheon from 1100-1300hrs.

    5.     While this is a fun, Wing-wide Sports Day, participants are considered to be “on duty”; therefore, alcohol and/or cannabis consumption will not be permitted.

    6.    If a certain sporting event concludes before 1200hrs, participants will remain as spectators for the other events until noon.

    7.    The following details will apply to this event:

        a.    schedule for spin classes will be as follows:

    i.    0830-1000hrs 

    ii.    1000-1130hrs 

    Questions or concerns regarding this event may be directed to Hannah Penn at [email protected] or x7847 (e-mail preferred).        

  • Volleyball Tournament



    1.    To participate in the Volleyball Tournament on 18 October 24, registration must be submitted with a roster template NLT 16 Oct 24 or until the event reaches capacity – whichever one comes first. Please provide:

    a.    your team roster to Event OPI, Brett Mitchelmore, via e-mail to [email protected]; and

    b.    Team Captain must be identified as the first person on the list, followed by each player’s name, rank, unit, and local. Please include a Team Name!

    2.    The Opening Ceremonies will be held at the Col J.J. Parr Sports Centre Blue Arena at 0800hrs. All participants are to be in attendance by 0750hrs. Sporting events will commence immediately after the Opening Ceremonies.

    3.    Participants will be dressed in appropriate sports attire, and spectators can either be dressed in civilian attire with a jersey, or dress of the day if not wearing a jersey.

    4.    This event will run free of charge to all participants thanks to the sponsor, Canadian Natural. This includes the “grab and go” luncheon from 1100-1300hrs.

    5.     While this is a fun, Wing-wide Sports Day, participants are considered to be “on duty”; therefore, alcohol and/or cannabis consumption will not be permitted.

    6.    If a certain sporting event concludes before 1200hrs, participants will remain as spectators for the other events until noon. 

    7.    The following rules/provisions/details will apply to the tournament:    

    a.    games will be played 6v6 within an allotted time, depending on the number of participants. As such, a minimum of 6 players per team and no maximum participants are required;

    b.    tournament will be a round robin format, with play-offs to determine the winners;

    c.    tournament will be co-ed – everyone is welcome to participate; sign up as a team or a floater. Floaters will be combined into teams randomly;

    d.    registration will be on a “1st come 1st serve” basis, however all units will be given the opportunity to enter at least one team before units are granted positions for additional teams; and
    e.    games will be held at the Col J.J. Parr Sports Centre main gymnasium.
    8.    Questions or concerns regarding this tournament may be directed to Brett Mitchelmore at [email protected] or x7757.

  • Disc Golf Event

    1.    To participate in the Disc Golf event on 18 October 24, registration must be submitted with a roster template NLT 16 Oct 24 or until the event reaches capacity – whichever one comes first. Please provide:

    a.    your team roster to Event OPI, Cpl A Bourdages, via e-mail to [email protected]; and

    b.    Team Captain must be identified as the first person on the list, followed by each player’s name, rank, unit, and local. Please include a Team Name!

    c.    Members may sign up as an individual to be assigned to a team.

    2.    The Opening Ceremonies will be held at the Col J.J. Parr Sports Centre Blue Arena at 0800hrs. All participants are to be in attendance by 0750hrs. Sporting events will commence immediately after the Opening Ceremonies

    3.    Participants will be dressed in appropriate sports attire, and spectators can either be dressed in civilian attire with a jersey, or dress of the day if not wearing a jersey.

    4.    This event will run free of charge to all participants thanks to the sponsor, Canadian Natural. This includes the “grab and go” luncheon from 1100-1300hrs.

    5.     While this is a fun, Wing-wide Sports Day, participants are considered to be “on duty”; therefore, alcohol and/or cannabis consumption will not be permitted.

    6.    If a certain sporting event concludes before 1200hrs, participants will remain as spectators for the other events until noon. 

    7.    The following rules/provisions/details will apply to the tournament:        

    a.    discs will be available at the disc golf park at the event. Participants are encouraged to bring their own discs due to limited supply. Regular frisbees may be used; 

    b.    min 4 players and max 8 players per group; floaters accepted;

    c.    Tee time vs shotgun start format will be determined based on the number of participants. Teams will be made aware of their tee times the day prior to the event should that format be chosen;

    d.    the event is co-ed – everyone is welcome to participate; and

    e.    the disc golf course is located at the 4 Wing campground, across from Martineau; 

    8.    Please see below photo for parking info at the disc golf course.


    Questions or concerns regarding this tournament may be directed to Cpl Bourdages, [email protected], x7746.
  • Unit Wellness Walk

    1.    To participate in the Unit Wellness Walk event on 18 October 24, registration must be submitted with a roster template NLT 16 Oct 24. Please provide:

    a.    your team roster to Event OPI, Montanna Barrette, via e-mail to [email protected]; and

    b.    Team Captain must be identified as the first person on the list, followed by each player’s name, rank, unit, and local. Please include a Team Name!

    2.    The Opening Ceremonies will be held at the Col J.J. Parr Sports Centre Blue Arena at 0800hrs. All participants are to be in attendance by 0750hrs. Sporting events will commence immediately after the Opening Ceremonies.

    3.    Participants will be dressed in appropriate sports attire, and spectators can either be dressed in civilian attire with a jersey, or dress of the day if not wearing a jersey.

    4.    This event will run free of charge to all participants thanks to the sponsor, Canadian Natural. This includes the “grab and go” luncheon from 1100-1300hrs.

    5.     While this is a fun, Wing-wide Sports Day, participants are considered to be “on duty”; therefore, alcohol and/or cannabis consumption will not be permitted.

    6.    If a certain sporting event concludes before 1200hrs, participants will remain as spectators for the other events until noon

    7.    The following outlines the logistical details/requirements for Unit participation in this event:

    a.    Step 1 – Select a Route. Units are to select one of the designated four routes for their walk. Their walk is to be conducted at a time of their choosing between 0800-1200hrs. Routes must be completed no later than 1200hrs. A route is to be selected from those provided in Appendix 1 of the Joining Instructions; and

    b.    Step 2 – Appoint a Team Captain. Units are to appoint a Team 
    Captain to coordinate the participation of their Unit in this event. Team Captain responsibilities are as follows:

    (1)    coordinate and communicate logistics of participation within their Unit. This would include details such as the route to be traveled, timings, safety considerations, dress, and registration of participants; and

    (2)    advise Montana Barrette at [email protected] of the Unit’s intent to participate in the event. Include the following information:

    (a)    completed Team Roster

    (b)    route selected 

    (c)    designated final walker (sweep)

    (e)    intended time of departure

    (3)    upon completion of the Unit Wellness Walk, report the following information to Montana Barrette or x6958 NLT 1300hrs.

                (a)    number of military participants

                (b)    number of civilian participants
                (c)    team photo on the march.

    Questions or concerns regarding this event may be directed to Montanna Barrette at [email protected] or x6958.     

  • Yoga Sessions
    1.    To participate in the Yoga Event on 18 October 24, registration must be submitted NLT 16 Oct 24 or until the event reaches capacity – whichever one comes first.  Please provide:

    a.    your Rank, Name and Unit to Jacklyn Wassell, via email to [email protected];

    b.    when registering please list the class time you wish to attend from para 7; and
    c.    To allow for maximum participation, you may register to attend one class on a “first come, first served” basis; option is to stand by to attend a second class if it does not become fully booked. Number of participates will be capped at 50/class for sign up. 

    2.    The Opening Ceremonies will be held at the Col J.J. Parr Sports Centre Blue Arena at 0800hrs. All participants are to be in attendance by 0750hrs. Sporting events will commence immediately after the Opening Ceremonies.

    3.    Participants will be dressed in appropriate sports attire, and spectators can either be dressed in civilian attire with a jersey, or dress of the day if not wearing a jersey.

    4.    This event will run free of charge to all participants thanks to the sponsor, Canadian Natural. This includes the “grab and go” luncheon from 1100-1300hrs.

    5.     While this is a fun, Wing-wide Sports Day, participants are considered to be “on duty”; therefore, alcohol and/or cannabis consumption will not be permitted.

    6.    If a certain sporting event concludes before 1200hrs, participants will remain as spectators for the other events until noon. 

    7.    The following rules/provisions/details will apply to this event:    

        a.    schedule for yoga classes will be as follows:

    i.    0830-0915hrs - Vinyasa Flow is an energetic style of yoga.  This style of yoga builds strength, balance, and core stability, while improving flexibility

    ii.    0930-1015hrs - Yin Yoga is a deep stretching yoga style whereby postures are held for extended periods of time. Great for those who are in need of stress reduction and relaxation

    iii.    1030-1115hrs - Yin Yoga

    iv.     1130-1215hrs - Yin Yoga

    b.    yoga mats will be provided, but if you prefer your own yoga mat, and/or props, please bring them.
    Questions or concerns regarding this event may be directed to Jacklyn Wassell at [email protected] or x8186.    
  • Dual Vaccination Clinic

    Event OPI: Major MacEachern at [email protected] or x6310

    Location: Col J.J. Parr Sports Centre - mini gym

    Open to all military members

  • Singles Table Tennis Tournament
    1.    To participate in the Table Tennis Tournament on 18 October 24, registration must be submitted with a roster template NLT 16 Oct 24 or until the event reaches capacity – whichever one comes first. Please provide:

    a.    your name to Event OPI, MCpl Desjardins, via e-mail to [email protected].

    2.    The Opening Ceremonies will be held at the Col J.J. Parr Sports Centre Blue Arena at 0800hrs. All participants are to be in attendance by 0750hrs. Sporting events will commence immediately after the Opening Ceremonies.

    3.    Participants will be dressed in appropriate sports attire, and spectators can either be dressed in civilian attire with a jersey, or dress of the day if not wearing a jersey.

    4.    This event will run free of charge to all participants thanks to the sponsor, Canadian Natural. This includes the “grab and go” luncheon from 1100-1300hrs.

    5.     While this is a fun, Wing-wide Sports Day, participants are considered to be “on duty”; therefore, alcohol and/or cannabis consumption will not be permitted.

    6.    If a certain sporting event concludes before 1200hrs, participants will remain as spectators for the other events until noon. 

    7.    The following rules/provisions/details will apply to the tournament:    

    a.    games will be played in a singles format within an allotted time, depending on the number of participants; 

    b.    format will depend on the number of members registered;
    c.    tournament is co-ed - everyone welcome; and will be on a “first come, first serve” basis; 

    d.    games will be held on the Col JJ Parr Sports Centre racquetball court; and

    e.    paddles and balls and a net will be provided, but feel free to bring your own.

    Questions or concerns regarding this tournament may be directed to MCpl Desjardins at [email protected] x8560.