Course Description
Who qualifies for these programs?
All Strengthening the Forces programs and workshops are open to military personnel (Reg and Res Force), retired military personnel AND their spouses. Where space and resources allow, DND and NPF civilian employees are welcome to participate.
Program Requirements
Programs are free of charge but are subject to cancellation or postponement if registration minimum is not reached 48 hrs before course start date.
Waitlist Information
Interested in a program but don't see a start date that works for you? Email [email protected] to be added to our waitlist. If you are registered for a program that is cancelled, you will be waitlisted.
Social Wellness
Respect in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF)
(1 day, 0830-1600 hrs)
The “Respect in the CAF” workshop is an interactive curriculum intended to promote respect in the CAF through awareness and understanding, to empower CAF members to take a stand against sexual misconduct and to support those affected.
Due to time limitations, the workshop does not provide a detailed account of the laws governing sexual assault nor does it address issues which influence patterns of violence and abuse in the military, such as post deployment adjustment or mental health disorders. Nevertheless, this workshop is designed to foster a sustained change in attitudes and behaviours in order to build a respectful climate and culture within the CAF. The intention is to provide basic information about the program, to answer general questions, and know where to refer individuals for more specific information.
All Respect in the CAF workshops are designated all ranks. If you do not see a date, it has been filled and removed from registration
12 February 26 March 9 April French Delivery 23 April
ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)
You can make a difference!
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is a two-day in-person workshop featuring powerful audiovisuals, discussions, and simulations. At a LivingWorks ASIST workshop, you’ll learn how to recognize when someone may be thinking about suicide, and how to provide a skilled intervention and develop a safety plan with the person to connect them to further support.
- Understand the ways that personal and societal attitudes affect views on suicide and interventions
Provide guidance and suicide first aid to a person at risk in ways that meet their individual safety needs
Identify the key elements of an effective suicide safety plan and the actions required to implement it
Appreciate the value of improving and integrating suicide prevention resources in the community at large
Recognize other important aspects of suicide prevention including life-promotion and self-care
When: 17 and 18 March 2025 0830-1600
Eligibility: Defence Team, Families, Veterans
Cost: FREE
Questions: Please contact Health Promotion at 7086 or [email protected]
First 20 registered will be guaranteed a spot.
Mental Fitness & Suicide Awareness (MFSA) MITE Coded
(1 day, 0830 - 1600 hrs)
Mental Fitness and Suicide Awareness is designed to promote awareness and skill-building, to maximize mental fitness both individually and in the workplace, and to lessen the incidence of mental health injuries including suicide.
Topics discussed include:
- The Mental Health Continuum and mental fitness
- How to maintain and improve your mental fitness
- How to practice 4 different types of stress management techniques
- The role of a supervisor in promoting a culture of understanding and mental fitness
- How to recognize the signs of a person in distress
- How to intervene and help someone having thoughts of suicide and get the help they need.
- Create a personal action plan to strengthen and maintain your personal mental fitness.
24 March - 1 day course 0830-1600hrs
Managing Angry Moments
Managing Angry Moments (MAM) helps participants understand and deal with their triggers before anger escalates. Participants learn new tools to defuse situations and develop coping strategies that will ultimately increase personal wellbeing and improve relationships with others.
Topics discussed:
- Understand anger and where it comes from
- Understand the relationship between stress & anger
- Learn to recognize your own “trigger thoughts’’, and develop personal “coping thoughts”
- How to reframe thinking errors
- Assertive communication skills
- Managing anger through forgiveness
- Resilience & how to build it
2 full days 0830-1600hrs
25 February and 4 March
Stress: Take Charge!
29 April, 0830-1600hrs
Stress: Take Charge! helps participants develop an understanding of the stress reaction based on their individual life stressors. Participants will learn tools and select coping mechanisms that they can use in everyday life to make changes and manage their stress levels.
What you will learn about:
- Your personal stressors
- The stress and relaxation response
- The relationship between stress and anger
- Health effects of long & short-term stress
- The Personal Power Grid & making choices
- Stress and the military
- Resilience & how to build it
- Work-life balance
- Stress and your lifestyle habits
- Relaxation techniques to help minimize your stress response
29 April, 0830-1600hrs
Inter-Personal Communication (Inter-Comm)
2 FULL DAYS SESSIONS (0830-1600)
Improve communication within personal relationships by learning the attitudes and skills required to deal with conflict effectively. Through exercises and coaching, participants learn to: understand conflict and increase active listening skills, use a collaborative model for resolving conflict built on Interest-based communication skills, and use collaboration and communication to support health and well-being in relationships.
What you will learn about:
- Causes of conflict and how it escalates.
- Conflict management styles – find yours!
- Interest-based communication
- Collaborative communication model and how to use it to resolve issues.
- Active and Empathic listening skills.
2 full days 2 & 3 April 0830-1600hrs
Addictions Awareness
Alcohol, Other Drugs, Gambling and Gaming (AODGGA) Supervisor Training
Level MCpl and above (1.5 day course 0830-1600hrs) MITE CODE course
In order to understand and hopefully eliminate the effects of these issues, the Canadian Armed Forces has specifically developed the AODGGA Supervisory Training. This training will increase one's knowledge and understanding of a variety of issues related to alcohol, other drugs, gambling and gaming.
The goal of this course is to prepare personnel in leadership positions to deal with issues of problematic use in regard to alcohol, other drugs, gambling and/or gaming within their Units. Participants will learn about misuse, warning signs, effective interviewing skills, active listening skills, enabling and how to challenge and change unhealthy workplace cultures.
Participants will also learn to apply CAF policies and understand the role of the supervisor in creating and promoting an addiction-free workplace. *Military members only
1.5 day course 19 March (0830-1600hrs) and 20 March (0830-1200hrs)
Level MCpl and above
Butt Out Program
Join us for some motivation and support to quit smoking! This is your time. During this briefing we will review the benefits of combining a behavior modification approach with nicotine replacement therapy.
We will discuss evidence-based strategies to reinforce your decision to quit using tobacco. Techniques will be discussed on how to cut back on use and analyze your pattern of tobacco use.
We will help you prepare for high-risk situations to avoid relapse and strategies to manage the stress of quitting. Let's create a plan to reduce tobacco use for a healthier lifestyle!
Can't wait that long? Please see immediate resources and tools available to start your journey today!
Contact Denise Bushey at local 7086 to access resources and further availability
Thinking of quitting? External resources for support, click here
Nutritional Awareness
Top Fuel for Top Performance (TFTP)
This nutrition for action program provides up to date and accurate nutritional information for individuals who are physically active, training for specific athletic events, preparing to deploy, or looking to fine tune their current diet for an active lifestyle.
What you will learn about:
· Learn about the major classes of nutrients that your body needs
· How to plan meals and snacks to meet your daily nutrient requirements
· Learn to read food labels to make better choices
· How to plan healthy meals at home and away
· Get the facts on what you need to eat and drink before, during and after physical activity
· How to plan and prepare for training and competition
· Uncover the myths and facts about supplements and sports food
· Learn how to adjust your eating and exercise to lose weight or bulk up
And more…
(0830-1600hrs) Next date to be announced
Essential Nutrition
The Essential Nutrition Course was developed by Registered Dietitians (RD) and a public health and preventive medicine specialist physician. It explains the science of nutrition, and covers topics like food budgeting, label reading, tips for easy meal planning, and healthy recipes in 5 modules. Develop practical knowledge and skills to optimize your peak performance and become confident in your food decisions.
Your questions answered!
Next date to be announced
Active Living and Injury Prevention
Injury Reduction Strategies
Injury reduction strategies for sports and physical activity will increase your knowledge and understanding of where injuries occur in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). It will also provide you with strategies that you can use to reduce your chances of being injured. It also provides the latest scientific evidence concerning injury prevention in sports and physical training. The focus of briefings is to increase local support for injury prevention initiatives.
The program offers briefings aimed at two different audiences:
- CAF Leaders and Injury Prevention Partners; and
- CAF Personnel
Topics covered:
- CAF injury statistics
- Review of the injury prevention research
- High and low impact days
- Running strategies
- Key fitness program elements
- Sports protective equipment
- Daily fitness recommendations
- Benefits of daily fitness
- Resources
0830-1200 Next date to be announced
Fundamentals of Healthy Sleep
This sleep briefing is appropriate for adults who wish to learn and practice healthy sleep habits and understand the importance of proper sleep hygiene for health, well-being, and performance.
• Understand the impact that sleep has on health and performance
• Identify key areas in which individuals can take action on improving their sleep
• Build a supportive environment to support operational tempo
• Implement specific training to enhance the education needed at all levels (Individual, unit, CAF)
• Manage the knowledge transfer of sleep skills and strategies for organizational effectiveness
Topics include:
Sleep architecture, sleep & health, sleep & performance, sleep recommendations, sleep stats & the CAF, determinants of sleep, sleep strategies and sleep resources
Next date to be announced
If you are not available to take a program on the current schedule, Health Promotion can come to you and provide unit briefings and trainings.
Click here for more details and to Request a Health Promotion Service.