Your Mess Committee:
PMC: Major Jason Jonhston
VPMC: Maj Lee Morrissey
Treasurer: Capt Valois
Secretary: Maj Jordan Mathieu
Entertainment O: Capt Jorim Disengomoka
Housing O: Capt James Longaphie
IM O: Capt Lewis Macpherson
Clear In Process:
Please visit the Mess Manager, Stephanie Barber, in room 125 on the first floor of the JTFN Building (4816 49 street) to clear in.
General Announcements
If you are the OPI for an event, please inform the Ent O of what will be served/theme etc. OPIs can contact Tina Schauerte for payment cards, if needed. If you need to make arrangement for the Ent O to meet you outside of the mess, please advise soonest!
If you are the Rep for an event and you cannot organize for your specific date, advise the Ent O ASAP so arrangements can be made to shift around the schedule.
Upcoming Events:
31: TGIF
21: Games Night (Combined Mess)
07: Games Night (Combined Mess)
14: TGIF
For all of the above events, please sign up through Sharepoint on a DWAN computer. Reminder to please indicate any allergies in the sign-up sheet so that applicable OPI's can make sure everyone can eat.
Any questions or concerns, please contact the applicable OPI.
**Please note that there may be a sign up required prior to any of the events**
On-going Events:
Officers Coffee Every Tuesday at @1000
Volunteers Needed
Looking for members to help with Mess events. If you are interested, please contact the event OPI.