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Code of Conduct

As a participant, or visitor, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct, which is based on the values of respect, dignity of people, partnership, and creating healthy families and communities. This is why the following behaviours are prohibited in all Winnipeg MFRC facilities, programs, and online communities:

  1. Inappropriate conduct. Any conduct of an inappropriate, threatening or offensive nature. 
  2. Inappropriate language. Any hostile or vulgar language, including swearing, shouting, or name-calling.   
  3. Threatening physical contact.  Any threatening or hostile physical contact with another person, including play fighting.   
  4. Sexual activity. Any demonstration of sexual activity or sexual contact with another person. 
  5. Harassment/intimidation. Any form of harassment or intimidation, by words, gestures, body language or behaviour that demeans another person or culture. 
  6. Theft/destruction of property. Any theft or behaviour that results in the destruction of property. 
  7. Weapons. Carrying or concealing any weapons or objects that may be used as weapons (including items that appear to be real). The Winnipeg MFRC bans all weapons on its premises with the exception of those required to be carried in course of duty by CAF member while on duty. 
  8. Photo and video.  It is prohibited to take photos or videos anywhere in the centre without express permission of the Winnipeg MFRC and those who are in the photos or video. The Winnipeg MFRC may take photos and videos at events for the Winnipeg MFRC’s use at organization’s discretion. The onus is on the subject to inform the photographer they do not wish to be photographed by the Winnipeg MFRC. 
  9. Inappropriate attire. Appropriate attire must be worn at all times. It is prohibited to wear clothing with vulgar language, obscene images, racial slurs or anything that contributes to a hostile environment or is inappropriate for a family environment.   
  10. Tobacco. The use of tobacco or similar products, including e-cigarettes, is not permitted in or outside Winnipeg MFRC facilities and programs. Winnipeg MFRC facilities, grounds, and vehicles are a tobacco-free environment. 
  11. Alcohol and illegal drugs . Possessing or using drugs or alcohol at the Winnipeg MFRC, in Winnipeg MFRC vehicles or during Winnipeg MFRC sponsored programs with the exception of alcohol at designated events. 
  12. Social media. It is prohibited to use social media in a manner that is contrary to the Winnipeg MFRC’s mission or detrimental to the community. 

If a participant or visitor does not want to confront someone about offensive behaviour or other issues that violate the Code of Conduct, they should report the behaviour to a Winnipeg MFRC employee.

Violating the Code of Conduct may result in the prohibition of participating in the programs and services of the Winnipeg MFRC and use of the Winnipeg MFRC facilities. When an incident is being investigated, the person accused of violating this Code of Conduct may be temporarily suspended from attending Winnipeg MFRC programs and events pending a final decision.

The Winnipeg MFRC is a shared experience enjoyed by everyone. Each one of us can make the experience more enjoyable by showing some consideration. Members, visitors, volunteers, and employees are committed to treating each other with dignity and respect, taking care of the centre’s facilities, and following the rules. Failure to do so may result in immediate expulsion and the cancellation of registration to any or all activities.