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JIUJITSU (Self-defence)

Jiu-Jitsu training consists of 3 periods:

It incorporates strikes (atemi), throws, locks, chokes, joint locks and pressure points. 

The training is completed by ground fighting and the self-defense circle.

1) Stretching, warming up and perfecting the basics 

2) Integration of street techniques and real life situations 

3) Belt program (58 techniques required for black belt) 

(Duration: 12 weeks) 

Information and requirements:

Annual membership fee of $25 and purchase of judogi (uniform required)













 Jiu-Jitsu (Self-defense) 

 8 years +


 Sports centre

Sept 20 to Dec. 6


 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.





*Until September 14 2023 11:55pm