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Exploring Economic Abuse: Recognizing Signs and Resources Available

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Exploring economic abuse:

Economic abuse is when someone uses money and resources to control another person. This can happen in families or couples, where one person might stop another from having their own money, from making decisions about spending, or getting a job. They might take away their credit cards, make them ask for money, or keep track of every dollar they spend. This kind of control can make the other person feel trapped.

Economic abuse is often a hidden form of family violence that is difficult to identify because it occurs in the private domain, including between partners or spouses. Many people may not know how common economic abuse is, what it looks like, or the different ways it can happen. For many people, talking about economic abuse can feel taboo, making it even harder to seek help.

Even after a relationship ends, some individuals may continue to face economic abuse from their ex-partner in various ways. It is important to know that there are supports available to you and that you don’t have to face this alone.