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Support our Troops Funds

Support Our Troops has new funding possibilities for Canadian Military Families in the province Alberta. 

The Support Our Troop Fund receives proceeds from the sale of Support Our Troops license plates in Alberta. The expenditure of these funds is restricted to the Province of Alberta.  Accordingly, additional support is available in the following areas:

  1. Support to CAF military spouses for recertification/training/education.  Up to $3.5K will be available to spouses/significant others to support recertification/training/education in order to increase the success of finding employment. 
  2. Support to CAF spouses/children of newly posted in families.  To ease with the transition into a new community, funds will be available for a family up to a maximum of $300 per dependent to cover the cost of one club/activity/sport for the first year only. 
  3. Helping Children Stay in Touch.  For families of deployed members, up to $250 per family will be available to assist with the purchase of a tablet/IPAD.  The intent of this support is to help children stay connected via social media with the parent that is away from home.

If you would like to apply for any of the above funding, please contact the MFRC (403 544 5567); we have the authority to approve your requests and submit on your behalf.