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Associate Membership

An Ordinary (Canadian Forces or BATUS permanent Staff) member wishing to nominate an Associate or Honorary member shall submit the application form to the PMC/Membership member of the committee with as much detail as possible about the nominee. 

The application for Associate Membership can be found here.

Associate Members
Associate members of the Mess shall comprise, with the membership approval by a majority vote, and approval of the Base Commander, persons of appropriate status in the categories as follows:
a. retired;
b. working; and
c. social.

Associate members shall be accorded the privileges of the Mess and shall pay Mess dues, but may not serve on any committee. They may assist the Mess committee or a sub-committee, but by doing so assume no responsibility. A person, on application by an Ordinary member, may become an Associate member of the Mess after a majority vote of 75% of the Ordinary members present, for a period of one year. The PMC must approve all applications. Associate memberships are approved yearly, at a General Mess meeting.

The Officers' Mess Associate Rep is Skylar Stroud. If you would like to send an email to Skylar please click here.

Honorary Members:
Honorary Members: Honorary members of the Mess shall comprise of:
a. Officers of the CF who are not ordinary members of the Mess;
b. Officers of the British Forces who are not ordinary members of the Mess; and
c. distinguished ladies or gentlemen duly elected by the ordinary Members of the Mess.

Honorary members shall be accorded the privileges of the Mess, but shall not pay Mess dues or serve the Mess in any capacity. They will be assessed for Mess functions or entertainment, which they attend. A person, on application by an Ordinary member, may become an honorary member of the Mess after a majority vote of 75% of the Ordinary members present, for a period of one year. Honorary members are approved yearly at a General Mess meeting. The PMC must approve all applications. Honorary Membership will be a closely guarded privilege and will be the exception rather than the rule.

Membership Notice: The PMC shall discuss the proposal with the Committee and the Base Commander. The nominee's application shall be posted on the Mess notice board for no less than seven days. If requested, the PMC shall ask the candidate to come to the Mess to meet the Base Commander and the BATUS Commander.

Objection: If a Mess member is opposed to a candidate’s application for Associate or Honorary membership, they are to raise an objection, in writing to the PMC. The PMC shall investigate the validity of the objection and consult with the Base Commander. If the objection is upheld, the PMC will inform the nominator that the candidate is not acceptable for Associate or Honorary membership. If the objection is defeated, the application will be submitted at the next General Mess meeting for approval. On approval by the Mess membership, the PMC will ensure the application is recorded in the Minute Book.

Membership Application Defeated. If, during the course of a General Mess meeting, the application is defeated by a majority vote of the ordinary membership present, the PMC will ensure that the nominee and the applicant are informed.

Approval: When approval has been granted by the Base Commander, the PMC shall write to the new member welcoming them to the Mess and will ensure that their names are entered in the Associate and Honorary members membership roll.

Renewal of Membership: The Membership Committee member will present a list of all Associate, Honorary members at General Mess meeting in December for consideration of renewal for a further one-year term. If a Mess member is opposed to a candidate’s application for Associate or Honorary membership, they are to raise an objection, in writing to the PMC. The PMC shall investigate the validity of the objection and consult with the Base Commander. If the objection is upheld, the PMC will inform the nominator that the candidate is not acceptable for Associate or Honorary membership. If the objection is defeated, the application will be submitted at the next General Mess meeting for approval. The Ordinary members present shall approve or disallow by vote all renewals on a person-by-person basis.