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FAQs Youth Reporter Competition

What is the process?

To enter send us your application and story idea that you would like to write between from October 9, 2024 at 12:00am until November 17, 2024 at 11:59pm EDT.

How will the applications be judged?

Stories will be judged on editorial merit - that means the strength of story, originality, and the personal story or background around it. Judges will be looking for a range of diverse stories from across the Canadian Armed Forces community.

Do you have any tips?

Each entry will need to answer the following question: Why do you want to share your story and what would it mean to you to share your story. That's to give us a bit of background about why you want to tell this story, what it means to you - why it is relevant to you and your life.

Can the stories be fiction?

No. All stories which reach the shortlist stage will be checked prior to final judging to make sure they are factually true and accurate and legally sound. So make sure yours is!

Do I need parental approval?

Parental permission is needed before you can enter, and if your story is about a sensitive topic, such as your health, then please get your parent/guardian to email us BEFORE you enter at so we can offer the relevant advice and support.

However, if you give us information that can identify you and the situation is considered dangerous to you or others, PSP is legally obliged to involve an external agency. This is part of our “Duty to Report”. PSP have a duty to report in the following cases:

  1. If you tell us that someone is hurting you, has hurt you, or is likely to hurt you in the future, and you also give us identifying information.
  2. If you tell us you are planning to hurt yourself or someone else, and you have given us identifying information.

For more information, please contact