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3 CFFTS Combined Mess

Messes are rich in military heritage and tradition, used by the Canadian Forces (CAF) to foster morale and promote camaraderie among members. Today, messes maintain a functional role as social and dining clubs.

At CAF units, bases, and ships, messes are at the core of social life, provide a place to unwind, create a social atmosphere for commanders and troops, and encourage all ranks of CAF members to build friendships and better working relationships.

The 3 CFFTS Combined Mess membership includes military staff, students, and civilian associate members. The mess bar is open twice weekly for members to gather outside of the work environment and participate in events hosted by the mess committee.

The mess building includes multiple spaces to suit a variety of events: 

  • Upper Lounge - This space is used for larger, more formal events such as wings graduations. It includes a full bar, audio-visual system, display pieces of military history, and space for up to 126 people.
  • Patio - This outdoor space is ideal for warm-weather gatherings. It includes an outdoor BBQ, large firepit, horseshoes, and seating areas.
  • Lower Lounge - This is the main gathering space for Combined Mess members to relax, unwind, and socialize. It includes a full bar, seating, and large variety of games including pool and ping pong tables.