Petawawa Workshops and Briefings

Invest in yourself and sign up for a Health Promotion Workshop or a Briefing today.
These are FREE and open to all serving and former CAF personnel and their respective families and the defence team. To serve members better we have created hour-long briefings on various topics that anyone can sign up for based on their needs.
For more information on upcoming courses and to register select a tab on the side.
If you are not available to take a program on the current schedule, Petawawa Health Promotion can come to you and provide unit briefings and trainings.
For more details and to request a Health Promotion Service visit REQUEST.
Social Wellness Courses
Managing Angry Moments
This course is an interactive, educational tool to help individuals identfy situations in their daily lives that cause anger. Participants will also learn how to apply new skills on how to safetly address these situations.
This course is designed as a prevention tool and is not intended to be used for anger-mamnagement counselling or treatment.
The "Managing Angry Moments" course consists of 7 modules filled with information and strategies to manage anger.- Understand anger
- Anger, stress and mental fitness
- Trigger thoughts, coping thoughts and strategies
- Reframing thinking errors
- Assertive communication: Resolving conflicts while manging anger
- Managing anger with forgiveness
- Maintaining positive changes
Mental Fitness Suicide Awareness
This one day program is specifically designed for military personnel in leadership positions. Topics include Mental Fitness Execises, Suicide Awareness, the ACE (Ask, Care, Escort) Model and Mental Fitness & Leadership. This workshop has a MITE code which will be added to personel's MPRR upon successful completion.
Respect in the CAF (RitCAF)
This interactive course is intended to promote respect in the CAF through awareness and understanding, to empower CAF members to take a stand against sexual misconduct and to support affected persons. This workshop is designed to foster a sustained change in attitudes and behaviours in order to build a respectful climate within the CAF.
Stress: Take Charge
This is a self-directed course designed to teach participants how to manage stress through self-awareness, changing behaviours and skill building. Participants will be empowered to manage their stress by using stratetgies that they already use. They will also be encouraged to learn and practice new strategies identified during the course.
The "Stress:TakeCharge" course consists of modules filled with information and oppotunities to manage daily stressors.
Participants will:- understand the stress reaction in a military context
- choose and practice specific skills and strategies used to decrease stress and build resiliance
- benefit from regular practice of the relaxations response
Nutritional Wellness Courses
Essential Nutrition
This interactive training provides practical ways to eat healthy even in challenging environments. It explains the science of nutrition, and covers topics like food budgeting, tips for easy meal planning, healthy recipes and much more! Develop practical knowledge and skills to optimize your peak performanceand become confident in your food decisions.
The Essential Nutrition course is comprised of 5 modules where you will gain an understanding of the impact of healthy nutrition on your performance.- Nutrition Fundamentals
- Understanding Food Labels
- Meal Planning
- Stretch Your Food Dollar
- Mindful Eating
Social Wellness Briefs
Health Promotion 101
This brief explains what Health Promotion is, the Social Ecological Model and how it can be applied to the Canadian Armed Forces. This brief describes how the Health Promotion Team can be a useful partner for leadership interseted in improving the health and well-being of their units.
Stress and Anger
This brief helps participants understand stress and anger responses and develop practical skills to help defuse hot moments.
Stress Management
This brief provides helpful personal stress mangement skills that improve health and well-being. Partcipants will identify strategies that they already use and will learn ti implement new strategies to manage their stress.
In this brief, participants learn to understand conflict and increase active listening skills, use a collaborative model for resolving conflict built on interest-based communication skill, use collaboration and communication to support health and well-being in relationships.
Managing Angry Moments
This brief touches on issues of anger (while they are still manageable) in order to prevent the possibilityof their escalation to physical or verbal aggression. Participants will learn to recognize their triggers and thought patterns as well as strategies to effectively handle anger.
Mental Fitness
This brief is the 1st half of a full day Mental Fitness Suicide Awareness course. Topics covered include characteristics of mentally fit members, resilience and strategies to improvemental fitness.
Suicide Awareness and the ACE Model
This brief is the 2nd half of the full day Mental Fitness Suicide Awareness course. Topics covered include stigma, identifying risk factors and protective factors, the ACE Model and resources.
Sleep 101
This brief explains the basics of sleep and how it works, the influence of different substances on our sleep (such as alcohol, cannabis and caffine) and tips for promoting good sleep hygiene.
How to Comat Stress Series
1. The Stress Response
This brief explains how the body responds to challenging and stressful events, the difference between acute and chronic stress and ways to identify good and bad stress,
2. Master Your Mindset
Stress is triggered by our perceptions of an event. This brief provides practical strategies to change your mindset and make choices to reduce stress.
3. Resiliance and Relaxation
This brief equips you with tools to improve resilience and mental fitness as a way of preventing stress. It includes a practical portion for developing tactical breathing skills and other relaxation methods used to interrrupt the stress response. Participants are asked to attend in comfortable attire.
Addictions Awareness & Prevention
Substance Use
In this brief, members learn about alcohol and cannabis use, the effects on health, the workplace and the CAF overall. Members are also given low risk guidelines and strategies to create a substance free workplace.
Nutritional Wellness Briefs
* All Nutrition briefings align with the CAF Physical Performance BALANCE Strategy
Nutrition Series
1. Nutrition 101
This brief covers macro and micronutrients, what a healthy balanced meal looks like, and how to develop SMART nutrition goals.
2. What's on Your Plate?
This brief aims to improve participants' understandinding of daily energy needs, how to design a plate to meet those needs and applying this information to a SMART nutrition goal.
3. Shopping for Health
This brief describes how to read a food label, tips on how to shop healthy and prep meals to support a SMART nutrition goal.
4. Dining Out
This brief covers how to maintain a SMART nutrition goal when eating out by making healthy menu choices. This presentation also includes the nutritional effects of alcohol consumption. -
Nutrition for Iron Warrior
This brief provides an overview of nutrition basics, and informs participants of optimal nutrient timings for pre, during and post training. How to hydrate, electrolyte fueling and considerations regarding alcohol and caffine are also covered
Nutrition for Training
This brief explains
Injury Prevention & Active Living
Injury Reduction Strategies
This brief explains
Behavior Change Program
Health Services referral or self-referral
The Health Promotion Petawawa Behaviour Change program is designed to support members in meeting their health goals.Using motivaltional interviewing and strategic goal setting, one of our Health Promotion Specialists will support participants in identifying motivations for change, improving knowledge of health behaviour, checking-in with their change journey and connecting participants with resources. Please note that our team will refer to specialists where appropriate, such as dietitian or mental health professional if participant goals fall outside our scope of practice. -
Tobacco and/or e-cigarette, vaping cessation program.
Group support or self-manged program available.
Participants are supported to quit tobacco/vape use and stay quit over the course of 8 sessions over 12 weeks. Participants are given the tools and skills to build their motivation to quit use, cope with challenging cravings and successfully navigate relapse. The program is delivered through drop-in group sessions (please call Helath Promotion at ext 4685 to confirm time and location) or through a self managed program where participants may work through the workbook in their own time. This program involves a partnership with Health Services Pharmacy and provides participants with access to Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) to support their quit journey.