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  • Personal Support Programs - HQ

    PSP HQ Staff

    Nathan Lane
    Senior Manager PSP
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 5225
    Email: [email protected]

    Judy MacDonald
    Deputy Manager PSP
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 6717
    Email: M[email protected]

    Nicole Aulenbach
    Resource and Marketing Coordinator
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 4008
    Email: A[email protected]

    Angie Laforge
    Resource and Marketing Coordinator
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 5255

    PSP Administrative Assistant
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 5225

  • Petawawa MFRC 

    Executive Director 

    Derek de Ruiter
    (613) 687-1641 ext. 2222

    Finance Department 

    Finance Manager
    Rebecca Wasson 
    (613) 687-1641 ext. 2236

    Administrative Assistant / Accounts Receivable Clerk
    Meghan Levair
    (613) 687-1641 ext. 2224

    Stephanie Nieman
    (613) 687-1641 ext. 2234

    Human Resources Administrative Assistant
    Shelby Roy
    (613) 687-1641 ext. 2228

    Administrative Assistant to the Executive Director
    Emma Brown
    (613) 687-1641 ext. 2235

    Community Engagement 

    Community Engagement Specialist
    Annie Beaudoin
    (613) 687-1641 ext. 2239


    Programs Manager
    Julie Hollinger
    (613) 687-1641 ext. 2229

    Marketing & Communications

    Communications Specialist
    Claire Batty

    Communications Assistant
    Britt Gillman

    Information Services 

    Information Services Supervisor
    Sarah Gunter
    (613) 687-2104 ext. 242

    Information Services Assistant 
    Juli Elliott 
    (613) 687-2104 ext. 225

    Military Family Service Navigators 

    Military Family Navigator- Special Needs
    Amy MacKenzie
    (613) 687-2104 ext. 224

    Military Family Navigator
    Stéphanie-Isabelle Hunter 
    (613) 687-2104 ext. 223

    Military Family Navigator
    Dayna Schwarz
    (613) 687-2104 ext. 243

    Military Family Navigator
    Ashley Reindel-Dolman
    (613) 687-2104 ext. 223

    Military Family Navigator
    Jennifer Proulx
    (613) 687-2104 ext. 222

    Volunteer Services

    Volunteer Specialist
    Sarah Gunter
    (613) 687-2104 ext. 242

    Mental Health Support

    Clinical Manager
    Olga Racine
    (613) 687-7587

    Family Liaison Officer
    Claudine Côté 
    (613) 687-5511 ext. 3775

    Family Liaison Officer
    Alyssa Truong
    (613) 687-5511 ext. 7362

    Youth Counsellor
    Kate Cormier
    (613) 687-7587

    Family Counsellor
    Shayla Le Coz
    (613) 687-7587 ext. 3255

    Family Counsellor
    Larissa Rizzo
    (613) 687-7587 ext. 3256

    Social Worker
    Shannon Colterman
    (613) 687-7587 ext. 3253

    Military Family Navigator - Mental Health
    Chelsea Marshall
    (613) 687-7587 ext. 3226

    Veteran Family Program

    Veteran Family Program Coordinator
    Louise Anderson
    (613) 687-7587 ext. 3223

    Employment Service 

    Coordinator - Employment Service
    Janna Koopman
    (613) 687-1717

    Program Assistant
    Gord Runtz
    (613) 687-1717

    Employment Coach
    Kyla Romain
    (613) 687-1717

    Employment Coach
    Lindsay Kelly
    (613) 687-1717

    Employment Coach
    Maggy Houle 
    (613) 687-1717

    Job Developer / Employment Coach 
    Shienna Seguin
    (613) 687-1717

    Children's Services

    Children's Services Manager
    Sue Leclair
    (613) 687-1641 ext. 2231

    Emergency Family Care Coordinator
    Angie Daber-Roggie
    (613) 687-1641 ext. 2230

    Private Home Day Care - Home Visitor
    Sara Bramhill
    (613) 687-1641 ext. 2226

    Specialized Care Program Supervisor 
    Monica Yakimak
    (613) 687-2104 ext. 231

    North Side Child Care Supervisor 
    Carrie Lapierre
    (613) 687-1641 ext. 2225

    Kiddie Kollege Nursery School Supervisor 
    Crystal Black
    (613) 687-2104 ext. 233

    Lil' Troopers Day Care Supervisor (North)
    Stephanie Condon
    (613) 687-5511 ext. 2976 / 2977

    L'il Troopers Day Care Supervisor (South)
    Mireille Mainville
    (613) 687-4136

    Before and After School Supervisor (Our Lady of Sorrows and Valour)
    Brittaney Sheppard
    (613) 687-1641 ext. 2247

    Early Childhood Specialist & Playtroop/ EarlyON Programmer
    Emma Goguen
    (613) 687-2104 ext. 240

    Early Childhood Specialist & Playtroop/ EarlyON Programmer
    Hannah Jones
    (613) 687-2104 ext. 240

  • Emergency Contacts

    Canadian Forces Member Assistance Program
    Telephone: 1-800-268-7708
    Teletypewriter: 1-800-567-5803

    Family Information Line (FIL)
    Telephone (International): 1-800-866-4546
    Telephone (Collect calls): 1-613-995-5234

    Kids Help Phone
    Telephone: 1-800-668-6868

    Military Police
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 5444

    Women's Sexual Assault Centre of Renfrew County
    Telephone: 1-800-663-3060

    Sexual Misconduct Support and Response Centre

    Duty Chaplain
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 5611

    CFHA - 24 Hour
    Telephone: 1-800-903-2342 

    Telehealth Ontario
    A free, confidential service you can call to get health advice or information from a Registered Nurse, 24 hours a day, seven days a week
    Telephone: 1-866-797-0000
    Teletypewriter: 1-866-797-0007

    Info-Santé 8-1-1
    Anyone living in Québec can dial 8-1-1 to speak with a nurse in case of a non-urgent health issue. The service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

    Emergency Child Care
    (For Emergency Child Care after-hours, please call the Duty Chaplain)
    Telephone: 613-687-1641 ext. 2226

    Family and Children's Services of Renfrew County
    If you have concerns about a child:
    Telephone: 1-800-267-5878
    Telephone (Pembroke): 613-735-6866
    Telephone (Renfrew): 613-432-4821

  • Military Fitness and Sports

    Rick McKie
    Manager Fitness and Sports
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 7188
    Email: [email protected]

    Jessic Crouch
    Sports Coordinator
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 7176
    Email: [email protected]

    Jesse Cassista
    Fitness Coordinator
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 7129
    Email: [email protected]

    James Pearson
    Reconditioning Manager
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 6482
    Email: [email protected]

    Jeanie Haining
    Facilities Coordinator
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 4634
    Email: [email protected]

    Tyler Turcotte
    Facility Supervisor
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 3321
    Email: [email protected]

    Fred Thibodeau 
    Sports Stores
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 7002
    Email: [email protected]

    Stewart Adam
    Silver Dart Arena Superintendent
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 6999
    Email: [email protected]

    Alaric Leskie
    Military Sports Assistant
    Telephone :613-687-5511 ext. 4782
    Email: [email protected]

  • PSP Health Promotion

    Juannittah Kamera
    Manager Health Promotion
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 4665
    Email: [email protected]

    Dylan Lamers
    Health Promotion Specialist
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 4685
    Email: [email protected]

    Kevin Strachan
    Health Promotion Specialist
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 4566
    Email: [email protected]

    Megan Cassista
    Health Promotion Administrative Assistant
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 4685

  • PSP Community Recreation

    Front Desk
    Telephone: 613-687-2932

    Community Recreation General Information
    Email: [email protected]

    Brendan Cunliffe
    Manager Community Recreation
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 2820
    Email: [email protected]

    Sarah Nault
    Recreation Coordinator
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 2819
    Email: [email protected]

    Caeley Stevens
    Recreation Coordinator
    Telephone: 613-687-2833
    Email: [email protected]

    Brendan Cunliffe
    A/ Aquatic Coordinator
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 2820
    Email: [email protected]

    Patrick Desormeaux
    Facility Supervisor
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 2821
    Email: [email protected]

    Karen Gervais
    Rec Plex Administrative Assistant
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 2821
    Email: [email protected]

    Rachelle Potvin
    South Side Administrative Assistant
    Telephone: 613-687-2833
    Email: [email protected]

  • Messes

    Normandy Officers' Mess

    Mess Bar
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 6623

    Luiana Mendes
    Mess Manager
    Telephone: 613-687-2833 ext. 7209
    Email: [email protected]

    Crystal Hepburn
    Bar Supervisor
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 7569
    Email: [email protected]

    Rachael Clements
    Function Supervisor
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 7569
    Email: [email protected]

    Administrative Assistant
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 5556

    Reichwald WO & Sgts' Mess

    Mess Bar
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 5781

    Katherine Meery
    Mess Manager
    Telephone: 613-687-2833 ext. 2847
    Email: [email protected]

    Melina Loveday
    Bar Supervisor
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 4627
    Email: [email protected]

    Kyrenia Jr Ranks' Mess

    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 7949

    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 7964

    Diana Garrett-Power
    Mess Manager
    Telephone: 613-687-2833 ext. 5769
    Email: G[email protected]

    Sherri Newhook
    Bar Supervisor
    Telephone: 613-687-2833 ext. 7962
    Email: [email protected]

  • Seasonal Entities

    Jubilee Lodge and Marina

    Chris Cloutier
    Jubilee Lodge Manager
    Telephone: 613-687-2833 ext. 5180
    Email: [email protected]

    Black Bear Campground

    Mark Lawrence
    Black Bear Campground Manager
    Telephone: 613-687-7268
    Email: [email protected]

  • Non Public Funds - Accounts (NPF Accts)
    NPF Accounts Location
    28 Craftsman Rd, Bldg P-102, 2nd flr
    Garrison Petawawa
    General Email[email protected]

    Chelsea McElroy
    NPP Accounts Manager
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 6645
    Email: [email protected]

    Senior Accounting Clerk
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 5494

    Charlotte Harnish
    Accounting Clerk
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 5608
    Email: [email protected]

    Melissa Oldnall
    Accounting Clerk
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 6656
    Email: [email protected]m

    Nina Whitman
    Accounting Clerk
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 6643
    Email: [email protected]

    Accounting Clerk 
    Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 5494
  • Non Public Funds - Human Resources (NPF HR)
    NPF HR Location
    28 Craftsman Rd, Bldg P-102, 2nd flr
    Garrison Petawawa
    General Email[email protected]

    Carly Beauchamp NPF Human Resources Manager  Telephone: 613-687-5511 ext. 5924 Email: [email protected]

    Melissa Albidone NPF Human Resources Assistant  Email: [email protected]

     Katherine St. Pierre NPF Human Resources Assistant  Email: [email protected]