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Fall into your routine

The mark of a new season can bring about a variety of different emotions. The changing of seasons can be a time renewal, a new start and bring about feelings of excitement while for others it can prompt feelings of uncertainty and stress.  

Acknowledging various feelings that may be emerging for you and your family may be helpful in approaching this new season of change.  One way to help ease change is through creating and or strengthening home routines.  

The term routine can be defined as “a sequence of actions regularly followed”. Having consistent and regular routines for habits and processes within the home can help ease the feelings of uneasiness, uncertainty and help strengthen communication and a person’s overall well-being.  

Helpful strategies to begin or restructure a routine: 
  • Plan a time to connect and check in with your partner and/or family members for a “family meeting” to collaborate on household tasks and chores. 
  • Create regular opportunities to connect weekly with family to discuss family planning (extra curriculars, meals, drop off-pickups).  
  • Set up time with family to connect through family activities that focus on time spent together and on fun (boardgames, movie nights, family outings, prep healthy meals together, walks to the park, picnics)  
  • Ensure everyone gets sufficient sleep. Sleep can help regulate emotions.  
  • Plan and brainstorm some activities/event that you and your family will look forward to doing during the upcoming months.