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Bell Let's Talk

The Bell Let’s Talk annual campaign is a good reminder that no one is immune to mental health challenges in their lifetime and the importance of talking about mental health. Many military families endure unexpected situations and lifestyle challenges that can impact how they cope and adjust to daily routines and tasks. Military families are vulnerable to experiencing challenges such as deployments, relocation, imposed restrictions, and postings just to name a few, that can affect the ability to adapt and cope.

These specific military situational experiences can increase mental health struggles. If you are struggling on how to support your military family member through their challenges, or whether they received a new mental health diagnosis such as Operational Stress injury, Anxiety Disorder, or Major Depressive Disorder and unsure what to do next, we are here to support and/or connect you with resources that can help. Addiction and Mental Health disorders can affect the CAF member and the family system. For instance, children may not be able to verbalize how they feel; however, this could be externalized through changes in mood or behaviors. In an intimate relationship, one partner may become irritated, lack empathy and can experience feelings of resentment instead of understanding and showing compassion for the military member. Noticing these changes in behaviors and/or changes within the relationship could be a sign of needing to reach out for some additional support.

Knowing that you are not alone in these experiences and that there is support and resources available can help one manage during these challenges. Here are some CAF and family resources and supports in the NCR: