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Attachment Styles

Secure, Anxious, Avoidant, Disorganized
Creating meaningful relationships are fundamental to boost our sense of wellbeing. We all feel the need to feel safe, valued and seen. Attachment identifies the way in which we relate to our loved ones and who we include in our circle of trust. Attachment is present in all relationships. This begins from the moment we are born until the end of our life. We are hard-wired for connection and attachment. Attachment is an emotional bond with another person. It is important to recognize that your attachment style can change and vary depending on different experiences and relationships.  


  • Healthy Communication Style 
  • Able to ask for help whne needed
  • Can self-regulate emotions


  • Clinginess
  • Fear of abandonment
  • Needs constant reassurance


  • Difficulty expressing emotions
  • Tends to emotionally withdraw
  • Unwilling to ask for help


  • Incorporates charateristics of anxious and avoidant styles
  • Fear of rejection but difficulty with intimacy
  • Low self worth

Secure, Anxious, Avoidant, Disorganized