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Change and adapting to new situations can be hard. As members of a military family, youth have additional worries when it comes that starting a new school/new school year. Anticipation of the unknown can cause heightened stress. 

Here are a few strategies and tips to help: 
  1. Settling into a new school community can be stressful for youth. Making new friends, leaving the school campus, and adjusting to the new school norms, all contribute to feelings of uncertainty. Allow a space to share these feelings and talk about what’s on their mind. Validate and normalize the emotions related to the transition of a new school year. 
  2. Prior to the first day of school, begin to encourage the development of a routine. This may include getting enough sleep, eating regular meals, daily exercise, and a general daily plan. \
  3. Feeling connected to your new community is key. Some ways to help with this connection could be reach out to the school for a tour, review the school website, visit and explore the school space (outdoors), and refer to the school's contact information for specific inquiries. 
  4. Each youth and every family will have a different experience. Knowing what supports are available is key! MFS-NCR is here to help you navigate those resources and connect with your community. 
There are no one-size-fits-all back-to-school “manuals” to guide you through these times of transitions. It is a matter of figuring out what will work best for each child and family, taking into consideration a variety of independent factors. There are several resources to support the back-to-school transition in addition to supporting our youth’s mental health. Below is an online resource that shares some information.

Back to School, Mental Health Backpack - Children's Mental Health Ontario (