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Volunteering for the MFRC gives participants an opportunity to acquire skills, get involved in their community, and grow personally.

Volunteers play a pivotal role in the implementation of the various programs offered. If you would like to get involved with our organization, you can make an appointment with the Volunteer Officer to inquire about different volunteer opportunities. This meeting will be an opportunity to discuss your interests and aptitudes, as well as to formalize your volunteer status by filling out the membership form and the commitment contract, in order to proceed with the opening of your volunteer file. Please note that a criminal record check will be done, for which two pieces of identification are required.

The MFRC offers many great opportunities to network and build rich friendships. Come and grow with us!

  • Volunteer Mornings 

    Volunteer mornings are great opportunities to come and have coffee with dynamic people who, like you, want to give back to the community. Light work and talks are on the menu, in a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere.

    Various tasks are carried out during these volunteer periods, such as: 

    • Preparation of materials for the daycare centre 
    • Preparation of materials for educational workshops 
    • Administrative tasks (mailings, filing, statistics, inventory) 
    • Decorations and do-it-yourself 
    • Various manual work 

    Volunteer matinees are held from 9:00 am to 11:30 am in Saint-Hubert on Tuesdays and in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu on Thursdays. 

  • Occasional Volunteer Work 

    Several volunteering opportunities are available, whatever your location, interests or availability. 

    • Events and workshops: Get involved during our events and activities. It is also possible to share your experience during workshops and courses. You can also help organize café-meetings. 
    • Welcoming and Integration: When you are familiar with our services and the community, you become a valuable resource for all newcomers. For example, you can participate in home visits, make courtesy calls, participate in the matching program and offer language support to English-speaking newcomers. 
    • Volunteer Action: Occasionally, volunteers and/or the group of military spouses organize outings and parties to get to know each other better and build new relationships. You can then help organize such events. 
    • Living environment: We make a point of highlighting certain holidays and occasions that are dear to the heart of our community. This is why we put our volunteers to work decorating our living spaces and organizing events that allow us to mark these special occasions (e.g. Remembrance Day). It is also possible to get involved in the installation, assembly and repair of furniture and toys for the MFRC, or in the preparation and distribution of promotional items to the community. 
    • Outreach: To help us promote the MFRC's services, volunteers are present at our organization's booths or presentations and act as ambassadors to the community. 
    • Regional volunteering: If you are a long way from our service points and want to get involved, we can find the best way to do so. You could, among other things, be present at kiosks or presentations in your area, twin up with other families and develop specific activities and projects. 
    • Board of directors: You may act as a director on the MFRC Board of Directors. Find out more. 
  • Youth Volunteering 

    Youths are also encouraged to get involved in their community while becoming more independent and discovering new aspects of their personality. They can get involved in different ways at different times of the year. For example, they can give some of their time at garage sales, on PMQ cleaning days and during MFRC events, help the activity leaders with the Loft activities for children 5 to 12 years old or even join the advisory committee and thus be part of the decision-making process regarding the direction of the Youth sector. Whether it be to meet an educational need or to address the kids’ interests, the Youth Services team is always open to new ideas for projects. To find out more about the volunteer projects under way, please contact the Youth  Centre Coordinator:

    Geneviève Chatigny
    Youth Centre Coordinator
    Saint-Hubert: 450-462-8777, ext. 6824
    Saint-Jean: 450-358-7099, ext. 6118
    The Loft: 450-462-8777, ext. 8010 
    [email protected] 

Recognition for our Volunteers

The MFRC recognizes the importance of the involvement of its volunteers. The Volunteer Recognition Program is designed to recognize the valuable contribution of our volunteers. 

  • Discovery Award (50 hours or more as a volunteer): Certificate of recognition 
  • Support Award (more than 100 hours): Personalized gift ($20 value) 
  • Commitment Award (more than 200 hours): Gift basket of local products ($35 value) 
  • Commitment Award (more than 300 hours): Personalized gift certificate ($50 value) 
  • Legend Award (400 hours or more): Family photo session or guided sightseeing tour ($75 value) 

In addition to the Volunteer Recognition Program, two annual events allow us to highlight their involvement: 

  • Volunteer dinner : This evening, to which all volunteers who generously donated their time during the previous year are invited, allows the MFRC to thank them for their commitment. This dinner is an opportunity to get together over a good meal in a relaxed and jovial atmosphere. It is also an opportunity for the MFRC to present recognition awards to the volunteers involved. 
  • Volunteer evening of the 2nd Div. of Canada : This dancing evening, organized in conjunction with Personnel Support Programs, is intended to highlight the involvement of all the volunteers of the 2nd Div. of Canada. On the menu: a good meal, entertainment, participation prizes and dancing. It's a real pleasure!