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‘Connecting with Our Community' H&R MFRC workshop series

We are looking for community members with a passion, skill, or interest that they would like to share with others, virtually!

‘Connecting with Our Community’ is a free virtual workshop series offered quarterly with a variety of topics. Workshops are facilitated and promoted by our team (via Zoom), then delivered by community members - to our military families, Veterans and CAF members. Workshops are offered on a one-time basis (more if there is interest) and run for approximately one to one and a half hours in length.

Previous program topics have included: Hiking, Halloween Costume Making, Remembrance, and Gardening.  We value topics that build and connect community, and our focus is to support military families with relocation, transitions and absences.

*Please note these sessions are not intended to promote local businesses or solicit clients.

Interested in learning more? 

Program Overview

Complete this online form or contact our Community Liaison [email protected] for more details.

ie. passion, hobby, interest, etc.